All the people, or the events, conflicting views. Team supported and team opposed. You do not have to line up with supporters or opponents without having to deal with their situation. Standing beside supporters or opponents may be a waste of your time and effort. It may be good to revolve around them and learn from their situation and then depart from the scene do not take it as a lesson and a sermon.

Tayeb Rajab Ordgan of those who gathered around them supporters and opponents, and I am on the scene is learning from him .. There is no luck except to learn from the case of Tayeb Rajab and those around him supporters and opponents, and here I will follow you some of what I understood what I saw:

Some of those standing around Tayeb Rajab strongly denounce what he says and do, and see him as a functional model like other Muslim leaders later (Sykes-Picot). He is a secularist and an employee of the West who gave him an agenda to implement it. He did not serve religion but did what the disbelievers did (economical development)! And let the details .. Come with me stand behind who is talking and look where he came from this word? Each one of them is drawn from an inner pot. Each one has a perspective that controls his ideas and beliefs, and then his behavior and behavior.

It seems to me quite clearly that the imbalance in approach to the political phenomenon (the tool of analysis), they use tools (approach) of analytical tools - intentional or unintentionally - the input and output tool, and the model tool.

The stages of the mission did not copy each other, meaning that Tamamuddin was settled only in theory and practical application first

The input (support and requests), outputs (decisions and policies), the environment (internal, external and external), and retroactive feedback are the arguments of one of the most famous models of analysis in political science, called systemic analysis or the approach of David Easton, analysis in this way has a serious flaw, Fixed, or prove a scene, and does not take into account the process of evolution that occurs in political systems. This is what happens with Tayeb Rajab. When he is mentioned on the scene, they come to him quickly and take a snapshot to analyze them, and they ask for other fixed pictures of the past selectively supporting their understanding. They say: A friend of Israel, and participated in the occupation of Iraq, and suppresses freedoms, and stays on brothels, etc.! They say: Economic success is not a health emirate in faith, everyone does: the believer and the unbeliever, and the emirate of health to achieve the reunification altogether according to their vision. The success of them to turn Erdogan the scene altogether and once to the Prophet - peace be upon him - and his companions - may God be pleased with them - the day of farewell argument !!

This imbalance is endemic to the use of a second tool in analysis, the model tool. They selectively select a model that suits their understanding and interpret the snapshot they took. This model is often short and does not serve to explain the phenomenon before them altogether. They say: Erdogan was another president showed the faith and then turned out to be an agent - according to them -, they will call the case of Sadat to explain the case of Erdogan, and two Satan. They say: If he has succeeded in reforming the people's situation (economy and education), some other non-Muslims have succeeded, as if the service of people is not one of the purposes of religion or disbelievers, as if the prophets did not order disbelievers of their people not to spoil the land after reform, As if the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not seek to help those who took his money unjustly without offering him the invitation or knowing himself, as if the zakat money was not generously offered to a person who did not believe, and he is defeated in a broken judgment of the prisoner, in accordance with his heart !!

This selection in the analytical tools serves - intentionally or unintentionally - a preconceived vision of the analyst, in the sense that he wants to reach something and uses specific tools to reach it, what do they want ?, in one sentence: they want to clean the scene altogether, want the demise of evil and its people cash all in one. It is a state of lack of awareness of the Islamic model, as the hierarchy of the group of believers, says God - the Almighty - in the description of the believers: (As planting sutured outstretched Vazglh Fastwaq on the market admire farmers to anger them infidels) (Muhammad: 29).

Thus the first model was an individual secret invitation, then included before immigration, and then included in the extension of the circle of conflict to the stage of Hudaybiyah, and then after the Hudaybiyah to open, and then after the conquest. The first model remains on the pages of the days as a practical model, one of which is relevant to us. If it was weak, the situation of the Muslims in Makkah would have happened, although it is possible to talk about it after the conquest, meaning that the stages of the mission did not copy each other. The theory and practical application of the first, in the sense that we achieve the objects and then call the provisions of what suits him not to demand to jump to the stage of perfection once.

The strong hire others or benefit from him agreed or did not agree. And the state of the claim of others without the right to claim, and a state of injustice, which shows the burden of the individual can not

It is a state of negligence that the world does not cleanse, the rest in Paradise, and the world defends and the goodness of the world of the defender, God says: (And if God did not push each other to spoil the earth, but God is preferred to the worlds) (Baqarah: 251) An external enemy does not surrender from other symptoms, God has decreed that it will happen (and let us tell you something of fear, hunger, lack of money, souls, fruits, and the flesh of those who are patient) (al-Baqarah: 155) Their works are paradise or fire. On the Day of Judgment the oppressor shall be punished and the oppressed shall be satisfied.

It is a state of ignorance of the wrong system. The main flaw lies in the lack of familiarity with the nature of the modern nation state, and how it is permeated and controlled and linked to its Western origin. In today's world, countries are a network of complex interdependence. A network of cultural and media interdependence before the military and security, and the strong penetrates and reaches what he wants easily with his ideas and his hand. Which I understand that Erdogan is making an elite capital of the scholars and religion, by supporting the civil education sector, and can select the religious and civil institutions of the state, there is a battle to replace the elite of society, and succeed clearly in the social sphere, but the people of money are shadowy and vigilant and benefit from the transformations as others Perhaps more. And trying to manufacture a regional axis that rebelled against the international system or rode within it, the only mechanism that can get rid of the total hegemony exercised by the United States and its allies .. The emergence of a geographically coherent mass of the volition of the Americans and their allies, but Turkey between political wolves (Iran) Russia) and others with their tongues down to what is not in their hearts (the Gulf), and ignorance of their (Kurds) ..

Question: Those who stood on the edge of the scene denounce and deny and ask: Why do not the falsehood go away in a moment? As if the presidency were the tools of democracy means the ability to do everything, are they agents? I do not think, but a psychological situation is employed, or reported, as reported by others, the force employs others or benefits from it approved or not approved. And the state of the claim of others without the right to claim, and a state of injustice, which shows the burden of the individual can not.

"I do not support the opposition, nor do they sever the bridges between it and Egypt (as a state and a people). Moreover, I clearly see that it can extend bridges with the current regime in Egypt if the interest prevails. Sin is located on the opposition. I went out of her home and then I fought abroad and did not raise a case and those who remained in the scene in the framework of the search for the same, and therefore did not find in the serious only what is required by virility, which is to allow sitting without real support. Do they understand? Do they understand that they are wasting their time, that the good of learning to end the suspension of events, to make an event, to benefit from and learn from the educational renaissance in Turkey and Europe.

I think that it takes a new generation to participate and even concessions, but those whose capital objection will stay around all the people, let them whisper .. Speak .. Deplore. Another grandfather has a home.