News from the island

  • Crowds of Sudanese cadres shouting to overthrow the regime and Bashir accused of "customers"
  • Erdogan refused to meet him .. Bolton leaves Turkey with a wave of criticism
  • Trump demands Wall money and Democrats accuse him of spreading fear
  • Prison difficulties bring al-Qarni to hospital
  • Congress fails to pass legislation punishing Israel

Someday you will lose everything - almost - but you will not be sad even though you realize that everything is gone, you will sit down to listen to your favorite musical piece and almost pretend you hear it for the first time, or if you lose everything you taste differently ?! One day, you will realize that good and evil are pure human selfishness. What is evil for you is good for others, your team wins good for you and your friend's team loses its evil. There is no pure good or pure evil. They are both a reflection of our human anomalies and will emerge from the framework of poles and opposites. , The existence of one condition of the existence of the other.

One day you will realize that war is a necessity and that cooperation is necessary. That the constant is destroyed and the moving becomes a static and a different life. The more colors of nature, the more life becomes. One day you will realize that freedom is a perfect idea for those who are trapped. The hungry dreams of all kinds of food, and if the table is placed in front of it, it can barely eat a few varieties. You will realize that humanity is going forward and humanity is backward and that we suffer from the love of possession until we make up for what we lose within us every day. One day we will have everything but we are too empty, my friend.

Someday you'll look at what a failed relationship has done to you and say to yourself, "There are seven billion people on this planet, why can not I get past one of them? Someday you will realize that you are not a ship and wind is not going to desire, and not wind, but you fish immersed in the sea of ​​life go to your destinations with your curves with their currents. One day you will realize that the past and the future are and that we only have this moment "now" and when you realize this will start your life, you will breathe for the first time and taste your favorite food as if you have not tasted before, you will look at the people and their views are drowned in the past and their experiences, and dream of changing their lives in the future , They are sleeping my friend and walking during their sleep awake.

One day you will realize that death is one of the meanings of life and its opposite of birth. Life is not the opposite of it, but it is the result of the interaction of contradictions with each other

One day you will realize that all religions are right in the existence of their mission, they are seeking to build a system that believes in the absent, although different ways to search for it. And you will realize that the truth is the mirror that the Lord broke. Each group took a piece of it and looked at itself. She said: I am the absolute truth. Therefore, the first step of tolerance is for each group to know that it has only a part. One day you will realize that the shortest way to survive is not truth, not lying, but being yourself. And that your presence in life is not limited to a period of time or how much you accomplish; but how much you know about yourself.

One way and one means is the attribute of simple limitation, and that the ways to reach God are so many that every man has his own way of reaching him, the peasant who saw God in the fluctuation of the field or in the beauty of flower and the world saw him In the complexities of the systems that man saw in his humanity, God is manifested in everything and closer to everything do not claim that the way to reach God is one and what you are and others void.

One day you will realize that death is one of the meanings of life and its opposite birth. Life is not the opposite of it, but it is the result of the interaction of contradictions with each other. Will stop looking at death as the end and birth as the beginning, but both are necessary for the continuity of life. The sense of the end we feel after the death of someone close to us is the end of the embodiment of our passion towards him end touches and touches and looks and talk as well as birth is the beginning of this embodiment.

One day, God will confess that he created you and on another day he will wish that he did not. You will see yourself great in a day, and in another very weak one, you will love another day and another, and you will be nice one day and another harsh, you are the result of all the contradictions you feel. You are not always shy, but in a day I was shy and in another not, and I am not always kind or timid. You do not know yourself with qualities and images, if you know her injustice and ignorance, you will feel your inner comfort when you realize that you are all. In the end, the life of man will be seen as a journey to search for meaning and self, its behavior is algebraic and accessible; but it is fun to travel.