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Since the end of November, the French Republic has witnessed a number of violent protests, which it had not known for years, even before the Macaron ruling. These protests came in the context of the so-called "yellow jackets" against the president's decisions to raise fuel taxes and high costs of living And other demands, expressed by the French people through the exit of about 136 thousand demonstrators to the streets of France on Saturday and was arrested about 1200 people against the backdrop of these protests and some of the security abuses known in many French provinces.

The term "yellow jackets" refers to a non-politicized and nonpartisan mass of marginalized and low-wage social strata. The yellow color has always been associated with an emergency and unrest. In Egypt, for example, after the Rabaa al-Adawiya massacre, the slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood was raised: On the Massacre of Radaa al-Adawiya, the yellow color may be a common sign of French and Egyptian protests. But what is the difference between the manifestations and forms of protests and the demands of change between the West and the Arabs?

The popular protests in the Arab region started out from the jasmine revolution in Tunisia, which constituted a surprise event for the ruling political regime at that time and for the Tunisian, Arab and even international peoples, and then moved to some Arab countries such as Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen. But the features of the protests in our Arab countries are dominated by the lack of organization and cultural, political and economic awareness that stems from the principles and culture of the Arab individual as such.

The protests of the yellow jackets at least in the beginning were peaceful, and to demand their rights, they did not sabotage the state's property, but stood in the public streets and at the entrances of the roads until they paralyzed the traffic

Since the popular protests in these countries most individuals go to the demonstrations and the result is looting and riots and the destruction of various symbols of the state and its institutions of government and non-governmental, on a daily basis and for more than months if not years, individuals are heading on a daily basis to demonstrate and demand the overthrow of the ruling regimes were "The people want to topple the regime" and "other words that confirm the president's change, and in a somewhat desirable step, isolate the government as well. But the question here is: Is it better to change the president in person or We change The nature of governance and the policies of the state as a whole?

When the regime of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was overthrown in Tunisia and the first democratic transition experience took place in an Arab country, all indications were that we were living in a period of transition in the Arab world that might be passed on to other countries in the context of the so-called "snowballs" In fact, it is better to ask the Arab peoples to change the public policies adopted by the decision maker, which do not reflect the aspirations of the peoples, especially the poor social, economic and political conditions. For example, can it be said that more than five years after the departure of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Judgment live My case better than what preceded it? Is this democracy called for by the peoples and sacrificed their lives, property and security to live a new stage? Is the situation in Egypt better than it was during the rule of Hosni Mubarak?

In France, the protesters called on the yellow jackets to improve their social, economic and even political conditions. It is necessary to identify certain facts that may be cited in the history of protest movements, beginning with the path of protest movements of yellow jackets, which were as follows:

November 17: 282 thousand demonstrators, the death of a demonstrator, 409 injuries and the arrest of 73 demonstrators.
November 24: 166,000 demonstrators - 84 injured - 307 detainees.
December 1: 136 thousand demonstrators - 263 wounded - 630 detainees.
December 8: 125 thousand demonstrators - 118 injured - 1723 detainees.

What is noticeable is that the demonstrations were on Saturday every week and it is one of the weekly holidays for citizens, meaning that the rest of the week protests are not active in many French provinces, because citizens are committed to tasks and actions should not be deferred at the expense of their personal, social and economic interests, Foreign tourists who visit the French state have noticed that they take pictures during the rest of the week normally and visit places that witnessed demonstrations during the holidays.

At another level, it can be seen that the protests of the yellow jackets at least in the beginning were peaceful. In order to demand their rights, they do not sabotage the property of the state but stand in the public streets and at the entrances of the roads to block traffic. The French are a model of perfection and urbanization in terms of their way of expressing their opinion and right, but it is necessary to know the levels of escalation and any time the riots should be used as Martin Luther King says: Rioting is the language of those who do not hear, meaning at some point of non-response is escalation.

What is lacking in the Arab individual is his belief in his full rights, not partial reforms that affect only aspects of his daily life and do not express his reality, rapid and selfish reforms, not just future decisions and outputs.

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In the French case, the escalation began almost three weeks after the beginning of the protests, in which the French President Scott McCronon did not leave a frank and official speech about these events, only after the riots on Saturday where the students and some unions joined the protests and after a wave of violence in the capital French embassy in Paris in particular and was looted and vandalized and the destruction of some of the archaeological sites, including the Eiffel Tower, to come out after the French President on Monday a speech addressed to the French people to understand the situation and urged the government to provide reforms and respond to the demands of individuals, The measures aimed at strengthening the purchasing power of the French in an attempt to resolve the crisis, including the strengthening of the purchasing power of the French individual, which raises the minimum wage to 100 euros starting in 2019, without the employers to incur any additional cost and the abolition of taxes on overtime , And the abolition of tax increases on pensions for those who earn less than two thousand euros per month.

These reforms by the French president came less than a month after the start of the protests of yellow jackets in France, in our Arab countries there must be a long journey of sabotage, violence and murder until a decision is issued by the government's withdrawal from certain policies if not it does not respond in the first place, French citizens have not responded to the French president's request and call for greater reforms that meet the needs of citizens who are dependent on one of the largest economies of the major countries. The people do not accept silencing them and obliterating their rights with minor changes, according to their people.

This is what the Arab individual lacks in his full faith in his rights, not partial reforms that affect only aspects of his daily life and do not express his reality, quick and selfish reforms, not just future decisions and outputs. We as citizens require ourselves to be worthy people to listen to. In our Arab nation, we need political, social and economic awareness to know the importance of organization and work hard to reach actual results, to real principles that begin from the individual in his own right and in his convictions for the need to change to what is Better, we need L. A revolution in the revolution of ideas so that people succeed and achieve its objectives, except that will not wear yellow vests because our government Stlpsona red jackets and buried in the graves and buried our dreams in this life.