Einstein wrote in December 1926, "The theory of quantum mechanics has great benefits, but it does not bring us closer to the mystery of God, and I am certain that God does not play dice." Einstein wrote this in response to a speech by German physicist Max Born. Max was saying that the heart of the new quantum mechanics theory was bursting with suspicion and randomness, as if he were suffering from a disturbance of the cardiac systems. When physics was pre-quantum theory, if I introduced the first entrance, we get the output B, the quantum mechanics appeared. If we introduce input A, we get output B with a probability, and in some cases we can get output C.

Einstein did not accept this, and echoed in the following decades his insistence that God does not play dice with the universe, which is as difficult to understand as the equivalent E = mc2. What did Einstein mean by that? How was Einstein's conception of God? His parents, Herman and Pauline, were Ashkenazi Jews who were not religious. Despite his parents' secularism, Einstein knew about Judaism and adhered to it with great enthusiasm when he was nine years old. His period of life remained a committed and religious Jew.

According to Jewish customs, his parents used to call weekly poor science students at their dining table. One of the most obtuse students was Max Tlemud (later called Max Thalmie), who knew little Einstein, who was vulnerable to mathematics and science. He studied all 21 volumes of the Aaron Bernstein Encyclopedia, "Popular Books on Natural Science" (1880).

Max Talmud then instructed him to "critique the pure mind" (1781) of Emmanuel Kant, then move on to the philosophy of David Hume. From Hume, Einstein moved to the Austrian physicist Ernst Mach, whose obsession with experimentation and judgment required that faith stems only from observation, a total negation of metaphysics, with any ideas of absolute time and place, and the presence of atoms. However, this intellectual journey has revealed harshly the conflict between science and religious texts. Einstein rebelled in his twelfth spring. He was deeply alienated from the dogma of the institutional religion; he remained a lifelong alienation and extended to all forms of authoritarianism, including any form of dogmatic atheism.

After fourteen years of his childhood, Einstein took advantage of that submerged in experimental philosophy. Ernst Mach's utter rejection of time and space helped Einstein's theory of special relativity (including the well-known equation E = mc2), which he formulated in 1905 while working as a "third-class technical assistant" at the Swiss patent office in Berne.

Ten years later, Einstein will complete the change of our perception of time and space in his formulation of the theory of general relativity, in which the curvature of space-time has replaced gravitational force. But as he grew older (and in wisdom), Einstein rejected the experimental unity of Ernst Mach. He even once said that Mach's macheness is only comparable to his inferiority in philosophy.

Over time, Einstein developed a more realistic look. The acceptance of the content of the scientific theory from a realistic perspective, as a representation of the "health" of an objective material reality. Although he did not want any association with religion, his belief in the God from which he was born from his brief period of religiosity in Judaism became the foundation of his philosophy. "I do not see good from the term" religious, "he said when asked about his factual position:" I trust this rationality of reality and the possibility of exploring it - at least in part - by human logic. "

There is no room in Einstein's philosophy of free will: "Everything is predestined; the beginning, as the end, is determined by a power we have no power over"

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When he was asked several years later if he believed in God, he replied: "I believe in the God of Spinoza, who reveals himself in the nomenclature of the assets, not in a God preoccupied with the destinies and actions of men." The vision of Baruch Spinoza - Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz - of God and nature was one thing. This is why his contemporaries saw him as a serious breach, and the atonement of the Jewish community in Amsterdam.

God, when Einstein is, is greater than everything, but impersonal and impersonal, insidious but not evil. It is also strongly imperative. In Einstein's view, the "Noam harmony" of God arises in the universe from a strict adherence to the physical principles of cause and effect. There is no room in Einstein's philosophy of free will. "Everything is predestined; the beginning and the end are determined by a power that we have no power over ... We are all dancing on a mysterious tone, played by a hidden player."

The two special and general theories of relativism presented a radically different new way to visualize time and space and their active interaction with matter and energy. These two theories are perfectly consistent with the "nemonic harmony" created by the God of Einstein. But the new quantum mechanics theory, which Einstein also helped establish in 1905, had another view. The dynamics of quantum mechanics are interactions involving matter and radiation, at the level of atoms and molecules, against a negative background of time and space.

In 1926, the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger dramatically changed the theory by making its "wave functions" somewhat ambiguous. Schrodinger himself preferred to interpret these wave functions as a realistic explanation, as a description of the "physical wave". However, a consensus that the new quantitative imaging should not be taken literally taken was developed, with the strong support and propaganda of the Danish physicist Niels Bohr and German physicist Werner Heisenberg.

Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger (communication sites)

In a sense, Pour and Heisenberg argued that science had finally solved the conceptual problems of characterization that philosophers had been warning for centuries. "There is no quantum world, there is only a quantitative physical characterization, and it is wrong to believe that the object of physics is to discover how nature has become, physics is what we can say about nature." "We have to remember that what we observe is not nature itself, but nature as it appears in the methods of our exploratory approach," he said. Their unrealistic approach, or "Copenhagen interpretation" (which denies that the wave function expresses the real physical state of the quantum system) quickly became the dominant method of quantum mechanics.

Recent forms of this unrealistic explanation suggest that the wave function is simply a way to "encode" our physics experience, or our own beliefs derived from our experience, allowing us to use what we have learned in the past to predict the future. This, however, is not entirely consistent with Einstein's philosophy. Einstein could not accept an explanation that said that the main subject of the new quantum characterization - the wave function - was not "real". He could not accept that his God would allow the "melody of harmony" to disintegrate completely at the level of the atom, bringing with him an inevitable chaotic and immutable complaint, with unambiguous consequences and effects, unequivocally, based on their causes.

Thus, the scientific arena was ready for one of the most important controversies in the history of science. Einstein and Bor are confronted with controversy over the interpretation of quantum mechanics. It was a clash of two philosophies, between two contradictory doctrines in the metaphysical perceptions of the nature of reality and what we can expect from scientific photography of this. The debate began in 1927, and although its heroes are no longer among us today, it is still alive. It is still pending. I do not think Einstein would have been surprised by this. In February 1954, just 14 months before his death, he wrote in a letter to American physicist David Baum: "If God created the world, I am sure that his first priority was not to be easily understood."

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Translation (Translation Team)

This report is translated by: Aeon and does not necessarily reflect the location of Medan.