Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do the "Tour de la question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Topic 2: "How is the ocean a world still largely unknown?"

The exhibition "Ocean, an unusual dive", starts today at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. What does this territory, covering 71% of the Earth's surface, shelter as biodiversity still unsuspected? Acidification, plastic pollution, overfishing ... what are the threats that human activities pose to him and what are the solutions already proposed by Mnhn? Between myths and realities, what are the legendary marine figures?

- Bruno David , President of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and marine biologist

- Anne-Camille Bouillié , Designer of the exhibition "Ocean, an unusual dive", which begins today (until January 5th), at the great gallery of the evolution of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris

- Laurent Marie , Apnéiste and president of the association "the blue soul" which works for the defense of the oceans and prepares to leave in the Arctic