“On weekends, the weather in the capital region will already begin to determine the warm sector of the deep cyclone, the center of which will be located above the New Land. Very warm air will rush into the capital region. The temperature will increase significantly. At night it will be around 0 ° C, not negative, as in most of this week. On Sunday night, it will generally be positive. No significant rainfall is expected here. On Saturday, the temperature in Moscow will rise to +8 ° С and to +10 ° С on Sunday. It is 3-5 ° C above the climatic norm. But there were years when warmer weather stood at the end of March. In particular, in 2007, ”she said.

According to Pozdnyakova, the warm air will stay for some time in the metropolitan area, but usually such heat waves last for a maximum of 3-4 days.

Earlier in the weather center "Phobos" reported that on March 28 in Moscow will come "powerful warming."