“On Tuesday across the metropolitan region, an anticyclone will conditionally slide around the periphery. It will be marked only by a slight compaction of clouds. This will not prevent the temperature background from remaining significantly above the climatic norm. The weather in Moscow and the region will not change significantly. It will be partly cloudy, without precipitation, at night the thermometer may fluctuate around zero, in the vicinity of freezing, and during the day you can count on the air to warm up to + 5 ... + 7 ° C in the city, in the region - + 3 ... + 8 ° C. As for future prospects, the situation will continue to be determined by the anticyclone; by the end of the week, the weather will remain pretty much the same type - sunny and rainless. Indian summer will continue, ”said the forecaster.

Tishkovets also noticed that this weather can be called abnormally warm.

“The temperature is 5-6 degrees above normal. In fact, we are dropped in mid-October. As for the snow cover, it is clear that November will be quite sunny, which means a limit on precipitation. The maximum will fall 60% of the marked rate. The number of sunny days will exceed three times the long-term indicators. The snow cover itself will be a modest layer of 24 centimeters at the end of November, ”he concluded.

Earlier it was reported that in Moscow on Monday, November 5, it is expected to be +6 ° C.