Wilfand added that during the night the height of snow cover increased by about 2 cm and is about 5-7 cm in Moscow and the Moscow Region. He also noted that in the coming hours, in the evening and at night, the snow will continue to fall, but “one cannot say that it will be a very heavy snowfall”. Nevertheless, the height of the snow cover will increase by about 2-4 cm.

At the beginning of the upcoming work week, on Monday and Tuesday, the temperature is expected to be “quite winter”, according to the weather forecaster.

“It will even be lower by about 2 degrees relative to climatic values. Night temperatures -10 ... -8 ° С, daytime from -3 to -5 ° С. On Tuesday, even higher: -2 ... -3 ° C and light snow. Such sunny weather, which was in late November and early December, is not predicted. It is cloudy, only the sun occasionally looks out. But the current weather is quite favorable. The snow has already fallen, it does not melt. Therefore, even with gloomy weather, low clouds, snow still pleases the eye. This is not the depressive and gloomy weather that was at the same time last year, ”said the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

At the same time Vilfand stressed that on Wednesday the temperature in the capital will rise.

“It will be above the norm by about 2 degrees. Nighttime temperatures are -2… -4 ° С, and daytime temperatures are around 0 ° С. The thaw will be characteristic for Thursday too, but small: from -1 ° С to +1 ° С. This weather will contribute to icy conditions. And a little snow will fall all the time. At the end of the week: on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the temperature will again decrease by several degrees. Night temperatures range from -5 ° C to -10 ° C, while daytime temperatures range from -1 ° C to -6 ° C. That is, normal winter weather. And such dramatic changes from yesterday's very cold weather to thaw on Wednesday will generally be characteristic of the whole winter, ”the forecaster concluded.

Earlier, the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia announced a “yellow” level of weather danger in the Moscow region due to snowfall and ice on Sunday night, December 2.