A contrasting weather awaits you this Monday, November 5, 2018. But, it is to emphasize, this time, the north of France will be rather favored, while the southern half will be covered with clouds and rain. We take stock.

On Monday, the weather will be dry and mild in the north, but restless and rainy in the south, while temperatures will be globally rising in the Hexagon, says Météo France this Monday, November 5 in the morning.

Corsica, which has been on orange alert since Saturday 4 pm for storms and floods, will remain so until Monday morning 03 h. In the second part of the night from Sunday to Monday, intense and sometimes stormy rainy passages will continue to affect the eastern slopes and the eastern plains.

The amounts of rain can reach 40 to 50 mm in one to two hours. Over the entire episode, accumulations will often reach 80 to 100 mm, locally 140 to 160 mm.

On Monday, this precipitation will diminish in the morning, and the rains will be scattered in the afternoon, the sun even making some appearances.

The weather forecast for this Monday morning. | METEO FRANCE

Degraded weather in the south

On the south of France, however, the weather will deteriorate. The east wind will blow strong from the Var coast to Lauraguais, up to 100 km / h on the south of Tarn.

The stormy rains will intensify at times in northern Languedoc, especially in the Cévennes and the plains of Hérault. The accumulations will be consistent locally.

On the PACA region and the rest of Occitania, showers will be rare in the day, but more frequent in the evening and sometimes stormy near the Mediterranean.

Light rains will also affect Aquitaine.

It will rain moderately on the Pyrenees, with a rain-snow limit around 2000 m. It will also snow on the border Alps around 2,400 m.

The weather forecast for this Monday afternoon. | METEO FRANCE

A generally calm weather in the north

On the rest of the country, the weather will be calm. Morning greyness will be frequent, but will generally dissipate in the morning, sometimes at midday in the East. The clearings will dominate over the North and Northeast.

The sky will be more loaded in the West, with some rains on Finistère.

Temperatures will rise. The minimum will range from 3 to 8 degrees in the northern half, locally a little less in the north-east, 6 to 12 in the south, and up to 15 in the seaside. The maximum will vary between 14 and 20 degrees.

A little nod to the sailors of Rum

To end this newsletter, a nice photo that recalls that the air is a fluid that behaves like water - and can create very beautiful waves, like here, in the sky of the United States:

Very nice #fluctus formed by waves of # Kelvin- # Helmholtz a few days ago in the south of #Missouri in the United States. Photo by pilot Shawn McCauley via WEATHER / METEO WORLD pic.twitter.com/KOVjSDXbyv

- Keraunos (@KeraunosObs) November 4, 2018