According to Vice President Mike Pence, Trump entered the room where he met with Democrats, and distributed sweets to everyone. (!!!)

Democrats do not mention sweets. They emphasize that Trump's shortest meeting took place with them.

Trump asked the Democrats if they were ready to lay down a budget of $ 5.7 billion to build his Wall with Mexico.

And when he received a negative response, he said that there was nothing more to discuss, and left the premises.

On January 10, Trump called the meeting with the Democrats "an absolutely waste of time."

Thus, we see that the Trump Wall, for which the Democrats refuse to allocate money in the budget, has become a real huge problem, a serious test of the strength of the American state, a sort of Weeping Wall of the USA. In December and January, the country lives without a budget, civil servants are not paid salaries.

And on January 9, Trump addressed the nation for the first time from the Oval Office. Broadcast appeal for some reason, not beloved by Trump CNN. In circulation, Trump basically frightened the nation.

He scared the nation by saying: 300 people die from drugs in the US every week, and if taken widely, it is only because of migration-related crime that thousands of US citizens can die.

“At our southern borders, the situation turned into a humanitarian crisis, a security crisis. And the crisis is connected with the influx of thousands of illegal migrants, whom the authorities are not able to send back, ”said Interfax trump.

He urged Democrats to agree with the construction of the wall and allocate $ 5.7 billion from the budget for this construction.

Said that the Wall will quickly pay for itself.

He announced that he had agreed to a concession to the Democrats so that the wall was made not of concrete, but agreed to a steel fence. He added that the Democrats are right: the steel Wall will be better.

Not declared a state of emergency in the country. Meanwhile, the announcement of the state of emergency would allow him to achieve his own despite the congressional vote.

He reported that from December 22, the work of the government was suspended.

He reported that in the coming days he will go to the border with Mexico. "To meet with those on the front of national security and the humanitarian crisis."

He announced that he would meet with the Democrats about the Wall.

I began this article of mine from what I painted, how he met. Short, sharp, but began with the distribution of candy.

Democrats have already piled everything from their sick heads to a healthy one - Trump's head. They do not allocate him money in the budget for the wall, and they accuse him of leaving about a million civil servants without salaries.

Let me remind here that at the end of 2018 several caravans (self-designation) of migrants (about 10 thousand people - citizens of Central American states: Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico) who arrived at the border of Mexico with the United States at once, tried to break into the United States near the city of Tijuana. But they were stopped by the American army, which used tear gas against migrants.

Migrants were thrown back. So Trump did not exaggerate at all - there, on the border, really the front of national security.

Let me remind you that from 11 to 13 million illegal migrants from Mexico already live in the United States. At the border, several hundred migrants routinely detain every day.

Forecasts of many American analysts: Latin America is becoming poorer with catastrophic speed. Even Argentina is poor - the whitest and most developed country of the Latin American continent.

In just 5-10 years, about a billion (!) Latin Americans will break through to the north, in the USA - the promised land.

Mexico does not have a nuclear bomb. But the fertility of Mexican women is a weapon more terrible than a nuclear bomb. Often, you can watch the following scenes in American supermarkets: a pregnant Mexican "mamma" proudly wiggles his belly forward, and 4-5 small children around.

This is a typical Mexican family. By birth, a child born in the United States will be an American citizen.

In the light of all these data, this is my opinion.

The wall on the border with Mexico is not trump's eccentricity. He rightly fears that the United States will “romance”, transform the United States into a branch of the Mexican Republic, and in the very near future fears that the US will be captured by Latin American migrants. After all, now Hispanic became the main electoral group in the United States.

Give him the $ 5.7 billion, Democrats, do not show off, because it will be worse!

What will he do now? Most likely, they will declare a state of emergency in the country and build the Wall at the expense of the Pentagon’s budget.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.