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For years, this film has been the pioneer among the girls of my generation, we love it and we try to live it in our imagination and envision and adore its details. Cinderella-talking animals, elegant Cinderella dress, charming good, wonderful glass boot, prince who love the poor girl. Long story does not know its origin but give hope in the end! No hope! Hope for salvation .. We tolerate injustice without objection and we will be rewarded! We groan and cry and do not seek and wait for the hope of salvation! We live as the victim in the hope of salvation, so the events of the film taught us. To persevere in oppression, injustice and misery without defending your right and you will be rewarded in the end.

When I was little I loved my dresses and wore them in front of my mother and father and I imagined that I would become a Cinderella one day. Someone will love me and come to realize all my dreams. The film seemed to me when I grew up in a film filled with foolishness and lack of resourcefulness. It has instilled in our minds foolish beliefs. The first thing we taught him was to give up our rights and we unjustly justified and unjustified! You will meet yourself in the fire and then ask what you burned? This was the first folly we sympathized with and will not talk about here.

The second and strange, which has deepened in the minds of our girls until now the doctrine of foolishness is her marriage to the Prince. Our film shows that the result of her patience and her brothers marrying a prince achieves her all her dreams. This doctrine has been enshrined in our minds as a basic principle of marriage. The poor maid girl marries a rich prince who achieves everything she dreamed of. Her house is full of all the desires of the soul as if she had gone from hell to paradise. From the life of misery to the pink life. From misery to bliss. From responsibility to pampering and living well. We wonder if we see our girls thinking this logic and denouncing the huge divorce cases in this generation, the generation that grew up on the film Cinderella and logic.

The Eastern Prince becomes the prince of his wife, obeying her orders as a queen who orders and fulfills simple requirements if she ensures her prince and reigns his heart.

I do not know how much she cared about correcting these concepts for her daughters, but it is clear that they are few. Know, my love, that the right is no matter how time goes, and your abandonment of your right makes you a victim of yourself no more, abandoning your right to lose you your full right and no one can support you as long as you let yourself down, who is waiting for support! As for marriage, you should know that marriage is a full responsibility. Yes, there is love, praise and blessings in it, but there are responsibilities and problems and crying in it as well. I know that pink life does not wait until you have learned how to take responsibility and how to manage things and how to contain her life with her problems and grief with sufficient reason and complacency.

Marriage, my love, is more than wonderful, but for those who know its meaning from real life, not from novels and films. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): " And among His signs is that He created for you wives from among yourselves, to dwell among them, and to make between you affection and mercy." Each of us has her prince who sits on the throne of his heart, but the eastern prince if he became his property made him the most beautiful prince. The Eastern Prince becomes the prince of his wife, obeying her orders as a queen who commands and fulfills simple requirements if she does guarantee her prince and reigns his heart. Dawood (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Like a woman who is good to her husband, like a king crowned with a crown engraved with gold, whenever he sees her, he sees his eyes.

Abu Umaamah narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say: "The believer has benefited from the good deeds of a good wife." And his money). The requirements are not superfluous and do not need a magician or a quack. She only needs a sensible mother who moves her to her daughter since she is young and raised her. The first is that God obeys Him as ordered. I heard the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "If a woman attains her fifth and fasts her month, she saves her fajr and obeys her husband, she is told to enter Paradise from any gates of Paradise." He also said: "If I ordered someone to prostrate to other than God to order the woman to prostrate to her husband, who is the same Mohammed in his hand does not lead women to the right of her Lord even lead her husband's right, even if asked herself and she did not prevent him. To know their rights and rights and do not compare the lives of one of the worlds. That a creature on Earth would not know about their lives as an atom, even if it was the nearest one, that is the closest path to ruin. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Jarir said in his wife's chastity in Afafha:

If the urethra abandoned its mattress ... storage of modern and obtuse secrets

Imam al-Shafei said:

If a man reveals his secret in his tongue ... and another person is blamed for him, he is an idiot
If one loses the secret of one's self ... then the one who is entrusted with the secret is narrower

To be completely independent with her life with him and do not take anyone's opinion of anything in her life except him. Do not disbelieve intimates and deny Gemayel with the first temptation to pass with him. It was narrated that Ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with them both) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "I saw the fire, , She said: I did not see you good ever). To be next to him at the time of poverty as it was in his riches and that his support and strength at the time of weakness and lack of tricks.

Love, affection and obedience gives you more than you just need, my love, to have a nation you find a man. Do not tempt you what comes out on the mouths of our generation of understanding distorted marriage and sanctity. Let your life be the result of your decision alone

communication Web-sites

Do not look to marriage from the window of sites of communication and manifestations of deceit and false tales and tips colored words of strength and independence and ambition all available without talking about it and without fabricating problems and the establishment of calamities and issues to the public are fighting as they want and empty chatter does not secure and does not sing from hunger and victimization of gold behind the devastation For houses and break up for love. To be always good-looking body and do not waste the right of her home or herself no matter what the cost of calm and peace of mind prevail in the surrounding atmosphere .. Hygiene and beauty produce an internal happiness capable of resolving any shipment. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The best women are from your family, if you see, and obey you if you do so.

To learn what you can not do is not a defect or haraam, especially in food, because the kitchen is a kingdom whenever you are well-done, you are overwhelmed by happiness and crowned by it. To know the meaning of responsibility, how to bear it, how to appreciate it, how to contain its things and manage its life. To educate itself always and learn all the new consciousness increases the beauty of beauty and not to rust the information that stopped before her marriage. Believe me these things become an American belongs to you, he does not want you more than that. Queen in his life these qualities, what he wants from the world more than that.

Love, affection and obedience gives you more than you just need, my love, to have a nation you find a man. Do not tempt you what comes out on the mouths of our generation of understanding distorted marriage and sanctity. Let your life be the result of your decision alone. He married you alone and chose your mind and heart. You just did not take the daughters of the world with you with their opinions and minds. Do not listen to your husband and your life, even if your mother is. You are only aware of your life and what it should be. If life is not permissible, divorce is known without distortion or kufr asir, this indicates your morals, whatever its disadvantages.

Your ethics do not allow you to talk about him in such a way as to harm him or to expose him to a scandal. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever tells people about Allah on the Day of Resurrection, the man leads to his wife and leads to him, then she will publish her secret." Narrated by Muslim. Said al-Sistani: Any and the secret of his secret. Al-Ghazali (may Allaah have mercy on him) quoted a narration from some righteous people that he wanted to divorce his wife. He was told: What is he doing with you? He said: The wise does not detract from the secret of his wife, and when he divorced her he was told: did not divorce her? He said: Mali and a woman other than me. In the end, I know that men also have their disadvantages if we take the news, we will write an encyclopedia in advice and guidance, but my talk today is directed only at you.