The aggression too much. Monday in a statement, BFMTV's Society of Journalists (LDS) announced that the channel's reporters would not cover the movement of "yellow vests" on Monday. The reason ? The assaults suffered by these same reporters on Saturday in Rouen and Paris. "Since the beginning of the movement last November 17, there is no more violence and threats of death (...) that our brothers and sisters undergo in the field as part of the cover of the mobilization of 'yellow vests' ", denounced the release. At Karl Zero on Tuesday, Patrick Poivre d'Arvor also lambasted the violence, recalling the right to freedom of the press.

>> From 16h to 17h, place to Karl Zero and his flappers tontons. Find the replay of the show here

"We do not have the right to explain ourselves with our fists". "It is scandalous and disgusting," denounced the former presenter of the 20 Hours of TF1 at the microphone of Europe 1. Already, December 22, a team of BFMTV and a journalist of the daily Le Progrès had been taken to task. "Whatever one thinks of what a journalist says is freedom of the press, everyone is free to express themselves," said PPDA, "we do not have the right to explain ourselves with fists, "he said.

In addition, Patrick Poivre d'Arvor also expressed his misunderstanding as to the motivations of these attacks. "These continuous news channels have particularly helped this movement of 'yellow vests', evoking it all the time," he says, "so why turn against them when they served a little springboard? ? "