His poultry from Bresse were tasted at a banquet at the Élysée on November 11th. Yet, with a salary of 700 euros, Alois Gury, struggling to make ends meet this month. Vest yellow on the shoulders, through a video posted on Facebook, the breeder expresses his dismay and asks Emmanuel Macron concrete solutions to help farmers.

Yellow vest on the shoulders as a sign of solidarity, Aloïs Gury, 33, speaks directly to Emmanuel Macron. In the middle of his poultry farm in Montrevel-sur-Besse (Ain), he filmed a camera-side video with his smartphone this Friday, November 24th. Farmer in the Ain for three years, Alois Gury shared with emotion, his mood on his Facebook page.

A few weeks ago, her Bresse poultry was served at a banquet at the Élysée, as part of the commemoration of November 11th. "To reign Merkel, Trump or Putin is good. But me, in my corner, I do not go out , "he indignantly in his video. "You do not know anything about agriculture and you do not deserve to eat my poultry," adds the breeder, addressing Emmanuel Macron.

77 hours of work per week

At the root of this 8-minute video: a general headache linked to financial difficulties. With 77 hours of work per week and a salary of € 700, Aloïs Gury is struggling financially. The trembling voice, the breeder is part of his dismay. "It's my mother who makes me 50 € of races every Tuesday because I can not afford it. Tired of his work, the farmer was able to benefit from a week of "holidays" in three years, thanks to a "respite aid" from the agricultural social mutuality.

Through his video which has made 35,000 views and more than 5,000 shares, the farmer demands from the President of the Republic solutions so that "farmers live with dignity. "

In solidarity with the yellow vests movement, which has been stirring all of France for more than ten days, Aloïs Gury explains that she does not have time to organize demonstrations. "Mr. Macron, tell me what to do. Because frankly, it's farting everywhere and it's only the beginning. "