The Grand Bath, the film directed by Gilles Lellouche, was released this week on French screens. There is a band of depressive "quinquas" gathered in the same men's synchronized swimming club. We went to see this sensitive and funny movie. Exchanges of impressions after the session.

Bertrand, Laurent, Marcus, Simon ... All these men in the prime of life, paunchy and depressive, are the heroes of Grand Bain, Gilles Lellouche. A film served by an incredible cast: Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoit Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Alban Ivanov ... But also Virginia Efira, Leila Bekhti or Marina Fois.

Each week, these men meet at the pool for their men's synchronized swimming lesson, led by their coach, Delphine, a former glory of the pools admirably interpreted by Virginie Efira. It is also a kind of club where everyone turns to express their malaise.

They have the crazy idea to participate in the world championship. A way to make sense of their life.

We went to see this finely filmed comedy. Impression exchanges.