M6 has decided to broadcast the delivery of two candidates of "France has an incredible talent" on his Twitter account to announce the return of the show on October 30. It is a choreography depicting conjugal violence suffered by a woman. The video has been shared many times on social networks.

While the show La France has an incredible talent will return on October 30 on M6, the channel has chosen to broadcast a performance of two candidates in its entirety on his Twitter account. It is an impressive choreography of a couple of dancers on the theme of domestic violence, reports Europe 1 .

Nadia, 21, and Dakota, 27, offered three minutes of dance that hit the members of the jury.

What an emotion to see Dakota and Nadia dance against domestic violence #LFAUIT from Tuesday, October 30th at 21:00 pic.twitter.com/ckbBSRHuWe

- M6 (@ M6) October 21, 2018

"It's wonderful what we just saw"

Made up as if she had been beaten, the young woman dances with her partner with a gesture that clearly evokes conjugal violence. They finish their service connected by their clothes wrapped around the young woman who can not escape the influence of his companion.

Once the music stops, the four members of the jury stand up and applaud, obviously very moved. "It's wonderful what we just saw, really," commented Marianne James after wiping tears. "I think it's important that it's a man who transmits this message as well. All men are not cruel and it is good that you show men that there is nothing stronger than sweetness, " says Hélène Segara.

More than 3 million views

While a TV campaign was launched last week to encourage women to call for help, Internet users have also been affected by this benefit. Indeed, the video has already been viewed more than 100,000 times on Twitter and more than 3 million times on Facebook.

What augur beautiful audiences for the launch of the new season of France has an incredible talent on M6 on October 30th.