World media sites have circulated some details about a possible suspect in a terrorist attack on mosques during Friday prayers in downtown Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 49 worshipers and injuring others

The perpetrator of the possible terrorist act is a 28-year-old Australian citizen who shot his gun inside the mosque, killing all those present in the mosque.

The newspaper said the potential killer identified himself as "Brenton Tarant" on Twitter.

The perpetrator filmed himself in a live broadcast via Twitter during the terrorist attack during Friday prayers.

Some social networking sites have videotaped footage of a potential murderer with pictures of his weapons, with some words written on them.

For its part, said "Arab" that the killer published a 73-page statement on "Twitter", before the massacre, vowing a "terrorist attack".

The accounts of the "Twitter" images of weapons used by the shooter on the mosque shows a car box shooter with automatic weapons, while the defendant appeared video clip before entering the mosque and the implementation of the massacre of worshipers.