A 5-year-old boy was poisoned by carbon monoxide on Monday after his mother lit a barbeque inside their apartment. She was trying to warm up their home in Villiers-le-Bel (Val-d'Oise) after the sudden drop in temperatures. The child was rushed to hospital by firefighters.

All methods to heat your home are not good to take. A mother started her barbecue inside her apartment on Monday, October 29 in Villiers-le-Bel (Val-d'Oise). She wanted to raise the temperature inside after the sudden cold wave that hit in France.

But the machine caused the intoxication of the woman and her 5-year-old boy, present in the apartment at that time, reports Le Parisien . Both victims were quickly caught in inexplicable headaches.

The child hospitalized in emergency

It was actually a carbon monoxide poisoning that was emerging from the on-the-go barbecue. This invisible gas, odorless and non-irritating, asphyxiates the people who breathe it. It can cause death in one hour.

Alerted, the firefighters quickly intervened. The boy was taken urgently to the hospital center of Garches (Hauts-de-Seine). His mother, less seriously intoxicated, was taken care of in Garges-lès-Gonesse.