Tuesday night, TF1 took first place hearings, with the broadcast of three episodes, including two unpublished, the police series SWAT , worn by Shemar Moore. The first channel has gathered 4.44 million viewers on average until 10:50 pm, according to the calculation of Médiamétrie, to follow the adventures of Daniel Harrelson, sergeant in an elite unit in Los Angeles.

More beautiful life and Boss incognito. France 3 climbs on the second place of the podium with a premium of its soap More beautiful life , followed by 3.52 million people. On the third step, M6 with a new issue of the show Patron incognito , watched by 2.46 million viewers. A magazine in which a boss disguises himself to be able to integrate the various services of his company and discover in a new light his own employees.

Mention accessit. Finally, follow France 5 with the documentary Homeopathy, the war is declared (1.08 million viewers) and France 4 which broadcast the last episode of its documentary series At the School of Nursing (225,000 viewers)