News of the extensive life of V.A. Tsepovyaz, who is serving a 20-year term in a high-security colony, has attracted much public attention.

Probably, the conditions of detention of the murderer, who killed the whole family, seemed to the general public more severe than it turned out to be in reality. This led to the promising conclusion that even in places of hopeless imprisonment (a 20-year term was previously considered practically lifelong), people who are well-versed in market relations may not live so badly. It is unlikely that one Tsepovyaz for some bribe managed to transform the bitterness of life into sweetness — obviously, there were other convicts who had money and were able to negotiate with the prison authorities.

In particular, in circles interested in ingenious diets, it has long been said about the remarkable features of the prison life of MB. Khodorkovsky in Krasnokamensk. The fact that lawyers constantly visited him (and constantly brought interviews, articles and even client’s books from their visits) is more or less in the order of things. The case is familiar. But he was constantly being visited by nurses for blood sampling for analysis.

Strictly speaking, there is still nothing (or almost nothing) forbidden here. If Tsepovyaz on the zone would regularly give urine for analysis, this would hardly have caused a strong response. But the problem is that the holy elder and the Russian Mandela MB Khodorkovsky regularly tested for purely practical purposes. Based on the analyzes, he was sent recommendations on what to eat and what not, and each time new ones.

This refers to food according to Professor Volkov (option - according to the hemocode). The method consists in the fact that, on the basis of a blood test donated once a month, a list of the indicated and forbidden food is made. Moreover, the genius of the professor is that it is impossible to understand the logic of prohibitions and testimony. This month you can eat a goose and a pike (and how many will fit), but closely related ducks and pike perch are strictly forbidden. But they can be eaten next month. As well as this month, God forbid you from deadly fresh cucumbers, and the next - at least cut short of them.

Some are passionately committed to this doctrine, seeing in him the great mysteries of immunology and biochemistry. Others see in him rather frank quackery, noting that the way to lose weight is the same here as in other diets - to make food tasteless so that the patient eats less. Without seasoning, without garnish, without bread, and especially without drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Approximately like in the “White Sun of the Desert” the diet of customs officer Vereshchagin - “Again you set caviar for me. I can’t eat it every day, damn it! ”

And in order to make the reception as simple as the world seem to be the fruit of high science, as well as money dripping all the time, a constant update of recommendations based on costly analyzes was invented.

At the same time, the recommendations are so refined, and the requirements for the quality of products are so high that it really is a diet for millionaires. If the client is ready, why not, but the problem is that the client Khodorkovsky was in places not so remote where they eat according to the principle “eat what they give”.

It is unrealistic to constantly change the recipe of balanda based on the new instructions of Professor Volkov. We need daily (at least once in two or three days) delivery of premium quality fresh food and a cook who would prepare them. Without this, blood tests have no meaning.

The diet of Tsepovyaz (caviar, crabs, kebabs) plus the necessary rest after the services of the dead, but cute creatures - this, of course, is pleasant, but in the technical sense it is much more primitive than eating in the zone according to the hemocode.

Of course, you can ask the question: “Was there a boy?” All this is very interesting, but where is the evidence that the Russian Mandela was fed according to the method of Professor Volkov, and did not eat pancake from a common pot?

In principle, the question is reasonable. There is no direct evidence - only indirect. Namely:

a) YUKOS was one of Volkov’s sponsors (LB Nevzlin, at some point fairly plump, resorted to this method and again became as thin as Koschei practiced this and other oligarchs - at the beginning of the century the technique was very fashionable);

b) M.B. Khodorkovsky has been very well preserved after ten years of imprisonment (either the FSIN since 2003 has mastered the art of preparing tasty and healthy food, or our Mandela did not eat on general grounds);

c) if such a relatively small fry as Tsepovyaz could provide himself with very privileged conditions in the zone, a much richer holy elder could have done it even more likely;

d) the sources of this information were not interested in counter-propaganda (directed against Khodorkovsky), but only in promoting the success of Professor Volkov.

To this is added a general pattern. Where is the seducer A.A. Navalny, who drinks the full cup of life, - and where Navalny's brother and the rest are navalnyat, who didn’t get very good with the cup.

Probably, in the depths of the Siberian ores, the principle of "as you sink, and burst."

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.