The mayor of Draveil (Essonne) and his ex-assistant culture are judged for rape and sexual assault in meeting at the Seine-Saint-Denis. They dispute accusations made by two former municipal employees about a "plot" by local opponents of the far right. Philippe and Jacques Olivier, two figs of the former National Front, heard this Tuesday in court, deny and point "smoke screen" of the defense.

This is the thesis supported by the defense of Georges Tron and Brigitte Gruel. The mayor of Draveil (Essonne) and his former assistant in culture, tried for rape and sexual assault in meeting, deny the charges brought by two former municipal employees. In advancing a "political plot" hatched by their extreme right-wing local opponents with the plaintiffs.

A "conspiracy" often mentioned since the beginning of the trial. All witnesses who openly or appear to be in favor of the complainants are questioned by the defense about their "activism" or their links with the local National Front of this period. This Tuesday, at the helm, twins Jacques and Philippe Olivier, close to the Le Pen family, have strongly contested. For them, it is a "screen of smoke" of Georges Tron, "so as not to have to answer the substance of the charges. "

"The powder in the eyes"

"We talked about a real estate dispute: it's a shame ," ironically these former executives of the FN, "in rupture" with the party when the case broke out. Opposed to a project to convert housing in a hospital site in their neighborhood, they "mobilized in an association of inhabitants." What Georges Tron "did not support. We had previous cordial relations , " says Jacques Olivier.

His brother, Philippe, also denounced "a Tron system" Draveil, which he said "drifts especially on women". The thesis of the "plot is built with bits of things (links with Marine Le Pen, real estate project, contacts ...) and has no coherence. "

"You have lost all elections against Georges Tron"

For its part, the defense accuses them of "spreading rumors", given "communication advice to the complainants" and "did not break" with the FN. "You have lost all elections against Georges Tron, " says Me Dupond-Moretti addressing Philippe Olivier. " So what ? Replied the latter. "It can create a form of bitterness, because for you it's important to succeed at all costs," says the lawyer.

The hearing is scheduled to continue until November 16th.