Thousands of people paid tribute to Charles Aznavour this Friday. The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the Armenian Prime Minister delivered a eulogy in the courtyard of the Invalides.

The tribute to Charles Aznavour was held at 10 am in the courtyard of the Invalides this Friday. The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and the Armenian Prime Minister paid tribute to him and pronounced, each, a eulogy.

Then it was at the sound of "Take me" played at the piano and sung by the Republican Guard that the coffin left, just after 11 am, the Invalides. More than 2000 people were on site.

The coffin of Charles Aznavour leaves the courtyard of the Invalides at the sound of "Take me" #NationalHommage

- BFM Paris (@BFMParis) October 5, 2018

The funeral will take place on Saturday morning

The day after this last meeting with his public, Charles Aznavour will be buried Saturday afternoon in Montfort-l'Amaury (west of Paris). He will rest in his family vault, alongside his parents and his son Patrick, who died at the age of 25.

Emmanuel Macron should once again pay tribute to the memory of Charles Aznavour when he goes to Armenia for the Francophonie summit on 11 and 12 October.