Georges Tron's former deputy, Brigitte Gruel, who was tried with him for rape, said on Monday that he had not participated in any sexual scene with the mayor of Draveil and former secretary of state.

"I do not know anything about the sexual behavior of Mr. Tron," said Brigitte Gruel, called to the bar after three weeks of trial, a voice veiled, almost monotone. Georges Tron's ex-assistant in charge of culture is being tried for rape alongside the mayor of Draveil in front of the assize court of Essonne.

Two former municipal employees, Virginie E. and Éva L., accuse Georges Tron and Brigitte Gruel of having imposed on them touching and digital penetrations between 2007 and 2010. Georges Tron resigned on May 29, 2011 from his position as secretary of State in the Public Service.

Nicknamed "the Pompadour"

With each hearing suspension, Brigitte Gruel, 61 years old as Georges Tron, conceals her face in her clothes and avoids the cameras. Since the beginning of the case in May 2011, she has not given any interviews, simply indicated that she disputed all charges through her lawyer Frank Natali.

Witnesses reported that she was nicknamed "Pompadour", in reference to the favorite of Louis XV. The defendants deny any relationship between them. "We were very close, very friends. I never kissed Mr. Tron lovingly, never, " insisted the sixties, chestnut square, waistcoat and straight pants. She adds that she has never participated in sexual scenes with him and other women.

President Philippe Coirre questions: why hold a case against Virginie Ettel and Eva Loubrieu, formed after their departure from the town hall and before their filing of complaint? She kept it at the request of the mayor, then secretary of state, without asking any questions, she said.

"These coins could give the feeling that you had something to fear and anticipated a kind of backfire," said the judge.

"I had nothing to reproach myself for," replied Brigitte Gruel.

She denounces a "machination"

The complainants were resentful because she had identified their professional misconduct, she said. Like Georges Tron, she thinks they have entered a "machination" of local opponents of extreme right.

During their hearings, Virginie Ettel and Eva Loubrieu both declared he was angry because they had imagined they had nothing to fear in his presence.

The verdict is expected at the end of the week.