The island is affected by an "intense rain-storm event". Light showers have already been observed in eastern Corsica, and the situation is expected to intensify.

Météo France has placed this Saturday, November 3 Corsican orange alert for thunderstorms, rains and floods, from midnight until Sunday evening midnight.

The two island departments are concerned by this "intense rainy stormy event requiring special monitoring because of its intensity and duration," said Météo France in a statement, while first light showers were already noted on the east from the island.

2 dpts in #OvigilanceOrange

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- VigiWeatherFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) November 3, 2018

The situation must worsen in the second half of the night, first in the south of Corsica, then at the end of the night and during the day "on the whole of the eastern facade mainly" , specify the meteorologists.

Precipitation, hail and wind gusts

Intense rainfall is expected, in the order of 50 to 60 mm in one to two hours, accompanied by hail and gusts of wind.

"Between these stormy waves, precipitation" are also expected "on the eastern slopes , " says Météo France. "Cumuls are expected of the order of 80 to 100 mm, locally 130 to 150 mm at least. Other stormy passages to confirm can happen in the evening of Sunday .

The authorities recommend the utmost caution in travel and leisure, and call for avoiding the secondary road network.

Earlier this week, the island had already been swept by storm Adrian with gusts to 160 km / h, making a serious injury and depriving of electricity thousands of homes. The red alert level was triggered.