Heavy rains and floods are to be feared from 18 h Saturday 17 November and until tomorrow Sunday in these two departments. Their prefectures and weather France call for caution.

Watch out, thunderstorms, in the south-west of the country. From 6 pm, this Saturday, they are expected on the departments of Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales, accompanied by heavy rains. The water heights could reach up to 60 and 90 mm locally and 150 mm on the reliefs.

Floods are to be feared on the rivers of Corbières and the low plains of the Aude, specifies the Meteorological Vigilance website of Météo France. The state of alertness orange is maintained until Sunday evening

The public authorities recall that it is essential to make inquiries before committing to travel, to engage in any case, on foot or by car, on a submerged road and to respect in particular the deviations put in place.

Strong #pluies by Sunday evening on Corbières / Roussillon, 60-90mm loc. + 150mm on the relief, leading to a risk of flooding of rivers (Agly, Berre, Orbieu, Verdouble, Aude downstream). #vigilanceorange #crues
Stay alert ️https: //t.co/7tK7bPbruH pic.twitter.com/oNjv87aFay

- VigiWeatherFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) November 17, 2018