Three activists of the feminist movement Femen were arrested this Sunday morning, during the commemorations of 11-November in Paris. They tried to block the procession of President Trump upon his arrival on the Champs-Elysees.

Three Femen activists forced Sunday the security device to pass the official procession of commemorations of November 11 in Paris, when the car of US President Donald Trump went up the Champs-Elysees, before being arrested, according to concordant sources.

Two naked topless activists on which "Hypocrisy parad" and "Gangsta party" were written jumped over the security barriers as Donald Trump's car passed in front of the audience shortly before 11am. A third activist positioned a little further up the avenue did the same.

All three were arrested, one on the roadway, the other two after being blocked by security forces after the barriers, told AFP the Prefecture of Police.

"France is celebrating peace with this ceremony but half of the heads of state invited are responsible for most of the conflicts in the world," said AFP activist Femen shortly after, Constance Lefèvre.

Three other activists placed in police custody Saturday

The day before, three Femen activists briefly exposed each other topless under the Arc de Triomphe, topless and fist in the air, shouting "Welcome war criminals" . Their torsos were painted with the slogan: "Fake peacemakers, real dictators". According to Tara Lacroix, a 24-year-old activist, one of the arrested activists, they came to "protest against the arrival of leaders. State who shame peace. Most are dictators who do not respect human rights in their country . "

After being taken into custody in the wake, they were summoned to the police station for March 25.

On Saturday, November 10, three Femen activists briefly exposed themselves topless under the Arc de Triomphe before being arrested. | GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT - AFP

Some 70 Heads of State and Government Meet in Paris to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Great War Armistice, an Unusual and High Security Gathering, with Some 10,000 Law Enforcement Members Growing the Points neuralgic ceremonies.

A large ceremony has been held since 11 am under the Arc de Triomphe, at the top of the famous Avenue des Champs-Elysées, under which lies the unknown soldier and perpetually burns his flame of remembrance, recalling the extent of a conflict with the 18 millions of deaths.