The Municipality of Venice has been planning an "entry fee" for day tourists for quite some time - now the local council has given the majority of the green light. When exactly the new rule applies, was initially unknown. According to previous data, it could be so far in May.

In 2019, the price should initially amount to three euros per person. From next year, the amount should rise to six euros and can be raised depending on the tourist rush to ten euros. Visitors staying in hostels in the city are exempt from payment. Hotel guests must already pay a local tax.

According to Mayor Luigi Brugnaro, the money will flow primarily into the maintenance and cleaning of the historic city. Venice has been battling the onslaught of tourists for years and keeps trying with various strategies to keep the masses in check.

Only a few days ago, residents protested against the tourist crowds that flood the lagoon city during the carnival season. "No one in possession of his intellectual abilities wants to live in Venice during these weeks, nobody," said a letter from Venetians.