If you miss a person or anything in your life, he may sometimes come to you before his appointment, but only in winter. He will not come to you until the day after all his friends have gone through summer, spring and fall, and you are waiting for him in your place. Want to come from the foundation sometimes other! I love this winter, and it carries gifts and surprises

The winter came, and the smell of memories came to him every winter before. The longing came, loaded and heavy, to those who gathered us together with one table, and the warmth of one house, and one roof gathered before he spent all his winter in a place. We used to pick up the most beautiful clothes from coats, hats, gloves and shoes all over the winter, and in the winter we would like to have a cup of orchid with our loved ones, and these delicious chestnuts, which give the atmosphere a special taste.

In the winter .. for those .. Beauty was replaced by suddenly blackness! Winter came, and we forgot those who are in the tents .. Cool! wind! It's raining! Followed by storms and snow .. Ice and thunder and the smell of blood! The smell of blood comes from that faraway place that has long brought them together with those who had been supported in the world of the courtyard.

The winter came .. And the tents fell and the feet sank from that rain, and the parties froze and burned the skin and lips and broke the electricity and the sound of wailing to the loved ones, and the longing for the homeland is growing, and lives under the dust calling from them: Come here

For a small child who wished to have a new shoe this winter, came winter and did not come small or even shoe. And came the winter .. And the heart of a boy who breaks the longing for a piece of candy promised by his father that evening .. Vahdatha sky bombs of hatred and smelled with the body of this father and in his hand the piece of sweets taste of burning and blood.

Winter came .. He said to his grandfather: Where Mama? where is Dad? Where is Rama and Osama? Grandfather said broken to Abra: God, and God is good and the rest! He asked: Why did not they take me! You are not their son! Or did they not love me, and God did not love me?

The winter came, and they took it for adoption in a faraway country, very far away because it was alone. After it was found under the rubble, its first memories were buried under the rubble of that country, the homeland of its childhood pains, loneliness and orphanhood. It may change its name, religion, faith and morals in the distance from this homeland, but what is important is that it now feels safe, how? The distance from this .. home!

The winter came. In prisons, the small cells were crowded, the walls were covered with the blood of torture and abuse, the writings of the markets and the hedges, and the blood there is another smell in the cold in the winter, cold! Awesome! Scary! Blood has a voice that can not be heard except from those who scatter the blood with sticks, sticks, wires and other tools of the professional tyrants.

And came the winter .. And the tents fell and the feet of that rain, frozen parties and burned the skin and lips and broke the electricity and the sound of wailing on the loved ones, and the longing for the nation is on the rise, and lives under the dirt calling from them: Come here .. Come to rest in the hospitality of the Rahman .. From all those treaties and aid and worn out peaks around those tables!

The winter and the conditions of our nation in the decline, and our peoples and spring in the collapse, and whenever we said the dawn of victory has awakened us a setback back to us without warning. The winter came .. and the greatest by the traitors of adults, conspiring against it as a piece for sale in an auction, and our Islam and poisoned by terrorism, and our veil made him a symbol of backwardness and contempt, and give him freedom and openness .. And our values ​​and principles said retrograde! Pornography is progressing in the era of progress and innovation. In fact, I still love the winter, and I will be optimistic every winter that the next one is beautiful, and so will be good in God, and in conclusion, God was with you people of tents!