Raising funds through sponsorship money is what more and more schools and universities are using. That of Strasbourg was also the first French university to launch such a campaign (22.5 million harvested in 2010-2014) before the Sorbonne in June and Sciences Po in October. Strasbourg launches new operation "Tous Nobels! », Which will end in 2022

The foundation of the University of Strasbourg launched Monday a fundraising campaign to raise 50 million euros by 2022, to finance twelve research projects "at the service of society . " Diagnose and cure liver cancer, better understand some rare diseases, open a center of quantum physics: "The big challenges can no longer be done on the budget of higher education," said Michel Deneken, president of the University of Strasbourg (Unistra), during a press conference.

The campaign is for individuals and companies who can make free donations or choose to finance a particular project. Each of the "priority projects" has a specific amount to finance, ranging from 195,000 euros to develop an improved recovery program after a 4.2 million operation to open a "school of excellence" chemistry. Sorbonne University also used this means of fundraising, in June, as Sciences Po, in October, to raise 100 million euros.

"Projects we know can succeed"

The operation, called "All Nobels! Will end in 2022 and Unistra, which has four active Nobel prizes and 18 since its creation, hopes to see many of these projects come to fruition. "There are projects that we know can succeed. We have reasonable deadlines that will depend a lot on the money that is given, " detailed Michel Deneken. In addition to funding these projects, led by Unistra and Strasbourg University Hospitals (HUS), the funds raised must "continue to develop links with the socio-economic world" through sponsorship, said Régis Bello, former CEO of the De Dietrich Group, now president of the Unistra Foundation.

# AllNobels @ unistra @CHRUStrasbourg are launching a major fundraising campaign. Take part in this momentum, commit to research, training and care!
Our research is priceless, with you it wins. https://t.co/D2ii1XYfPHhttps://t.co/yR5zNmA3oD

- Unistra Foundation (@fond_unistra) November 12, 2018

Of the 50 million set as targets, "thirty have already been raised during a first fundraising campaign from 2010 to 2014. Nearly 2,000 donors had responded to the solicitations of the foundation. Four out of five were individuals , but corporate donations accounted for 90% of the amount raised, according to Régis Bello. The possibility of raising funds from patrons was put in place in the wake of the law on university autonomy. Donors may request that their donations be spent on specific projects, or leave the university free to choose. The University of Strasbourg has a little over 50,000 students for an operating budget of about 450 million euros.