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The decision of the Palestinian Authority to withdraw from the Rafah crossing in the context of the new strategy adopted by the Palestinian Authority to deal with Hamas and its rule in Gaza, especially after the campaign of large arrests carried out by Hamas and its security parts of the leaders and elements of the Fatah movement in Gaza to prevent the movement to establish the Festival of the start of the Palestinian revolution Gaza, which affected the staff and senior officer from the Rafah crossing, came the reaction of the Authority quickly through its sudden decision to withdraw from the Rafah crossing and handed over to Hamas, which was not delayed any moment in the receipt of this port only, as if the movement was preparing for this moment!

The closure of the Rafah crossing following the withdrawal of the PA from it, and its declaration of not returning to it except under clear conditions and limitations, including the commitment of Hamas to implement the rest of the 2017 agreement, which provides for the full implementation of the national consensus government in the Gaza Strip, In addition to the insistence of the Egyptian side not to operate the crossing except in the presence of the Palestinian Authority as a political entity recognized internationally and regionally according to the agreement in 2005. It opens the door to several scenarios and approaches to the future of the Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and the Arab Republic of Egypt. These scenarios can be clarified in the context of the following presentation:

Scenario of the operation of the crossing completely

The return of the Rafah crossing (5 days a week) as it was prior to the withdrawal of the PA from it, a scenario that could be achieved if the Egyptian security delegation, which is visiting Ramallah and Gaza, managed to ease the political tension and give guarantees to the Palestinian Authority Palestinian Authority crossings. However, this depends on the extent to which the Palestinian parties respond to the efforts of the Egyptian side and the extent to which these parties insist on avoiding the Rafah crossing, any political impediments that may lead to its continued closure, especially in light of the political tension prevailing between Fateh and the Palestinian Authority on the one hand and Hamas on the other. else.

The total closure of the crossing is likely to occur in light of the escalation of political tension and statements exchanged between Fatah and Hamas on several issues, the most important of which is the Legislative Council

This also depends on the active role of the Palestinian factions, the local community and the civil institutions to pressure the parties to provide the appropriate atmosphere for the work of the Rafah crossing and keep it away from the political and party disputes to ensure its continuous functioning. This scenario is achievable but faces great challenges and requires political will and pressure on the movement, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to ensure a nearly complete return of the crossing.

The scenario of closure of the crossing

The total closure of the crossing is likely to take place amid growing political tension and mutual statements between the Fatah and Hamas movements on several issues, including the Legislative Council. Closure of the crossing in full can occur if each party insists on its positions. In the case of the Palestinian Authority insisted on not returning to the crossing only in the fulfillment of full conditions; Hamas insisted on not responding to the Egyptian efforts to spare the Rafah crossing political disputes and exposure to the staff of the crossing, and also in the case of the refusal of the Egyptian side not to open the crossing in any way except in the presence of staff Palestinian Authority Crossings Authority. This possibility is difficult, but difficult to achieve for several reasons, including the difficulty of closing the crossing permanently in light of the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip and the need of citizens to travel, fearing the Egyptian side of the explosion of humanitarian conditions towards Sinai as in 2008.

Scenario opening the crossing without the return of power

According to the statements of the faction leaders there are Egyptian assurances by the Egyptian intelligence delegation that visited Gaza and the West Bank during the past few days, the desire of the Egyptian political leadership to continue the operation of the Rafah crossing on a regular basis. These assurances, which have not been found on the ground so far, could lead to the permanent opening of the Rafah crossing in the presence of Gaza government employees if the Palestinian Authority refuses to return its staff to work at the Rafah crossing again.

Cairo is likely to reopen the Rafah crossing, regardless of the return of PA staff. However, this scenario faces several challenges, the most important of which is Cairo's desire not to deepen the Palestinian division and to completely separate Gaza from the West Bank and its commitment to the 2005 agreement as a framework for the movement of the crossing. The existence of the Palestinian Authority as a legitimate political entity to deal with him to implement the agreement.

The decision of the Palestinian Authority to withdraw its staff from the Rafah crossing has had great repercussions on the movement of passengers from the Gaza Strip, especially since this crossing is the only outlet linking the Gaza Strip with the outside world,

The island

The scenario of the crossing is exceptional

Since the outbreak of the Palestinian division in 2007, following the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip, the crossing has become exceptionally paralyzed, especially in the absence of the PA as an internationally recognized and recognized entity and the difficulty of implementing the 2005 agreement. The exceptional work is the likely scenario in case the Egyptian security delegation does not succeed in persuading the Palestinian Authority to return to the crossing and Hamas's insistence on not being exposed to the staff of the crossings authority. This means opening a crossing for several days every two or three months, as it was prior to the receipt of the Palestinian Authority. And the inability of the parties to open the Rafah crossing in the absence of legitimate authority, and thus become the scenario is the closest to verify in light of this charged atmosphere.

The decision of the Palestinian Authority to withdraw its staff from the Rafah crossing has had great repercussions on the movement of passengers from the Gaza Strip. This crossing is the only outlet linking the Gaza Strip with the outside world, away from the Israeli occupation authority which controls the rest of the crossings. The closure of the Rafah Crossing has a great impact on the lives of the Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip. The closure of the crossing means new obstacles for students, patients, owners and merchants. Crossing is the only lifeline for Gaza Strip residents with the outside world. And political strife, to ensure the continuation of his work, especially in light of the worsening humanitarian situation in the sector.