This month, the finalists of the Arab Reading Challenge, which is part of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum's global initiatives, will launch its fourth round at the country level in the various Arab countries participating in the competition.

The Arab Literacy Competition, the world's largest literacy competition, aims to instill a culture of reading among the Arab youth to mark a four-year challenge, with more than 13 million students from 49 Around the world, including 16 Arab countries.

The Secretary General of the Arab Reading Challenge Project, Najla Al Shamsi, thanked His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, for his continuous support and dedication to the project. Knowledge in creating a conscious generation aware of the issues of his nation, and contributes effectively to the building of his homeland.

Al Shamsi said: "The impressive participation of Arabs and the world shows that the challenge of Arab reading exceeded four years of launching all expectations, whether in terms of student turnout or the number of participating countries or the societal influence in creating a general reading environment supported by all the community institutions in the participating countries. , Stressing that «educational institutions, in the public and private sectors, in many Arab countries have made the challenge of reading the Arab axis of many of its strategic development plans, through the adoption of activities and programs of reading throughout the academic year, with the desire to involve students and education Fully in the many diverse cognitive activities », adding that« even many schools have made evaluation of the development of students' performance in reading the Arab challenging part of the overall assessment of school achievement ».

Al Shamsi stressed the importance of the challenge of Arabic reading in strengthening the bridges of cooperation between the school and the community institutions through the establishment of joint reading activities and activities, such as organizing book fairs or establishing reading festivals, reflecting the challenge of reading as a vital activity in which all components of society are involved.

Al Shamsi pointed to the great role played by the local community institutions in the countries concerned in supporting the Arab reading challenge through concerted efforts to provide the necessary facilities for students and participating schools.

Sharing is unsurpassed

The general coordinator of the Arab Reading Challenge project, Abdullah Al-Nuaimi, stressed that the final qualifiers that will be launched in the countries concerned within a few days and lasting for two months constitute the culmination of continuous efforts since the beginning of the school year. "The continuous reading activity throughout the academic year contributed to the creation of a general knowledge atmosphere, while at the same time contributing to increasing the educational achievement of students in all subjects." The Arab Reading Challenge project is an addition The quality of the role of the school in building a generation T the importance of self-education, and strive to accumulate knowledge in parallel with the curriculum ».

"The great participation demonstrates that the faith of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in future generations and their ability to make constructive change through knowledge are beginning to bear fruit," Al Nuaimi said.

"Since the fourth cycle of the challenge, we have seen a growing interest from schools in providing attractive and enjoyable reading environments for students and activating a variety of activities that engage students and family together to create an interactive reading environment," he said.

In this regard, Al Nuaimi emphasized the real value of the challenge in creating an Arab family awareness of the importance of reading through the periodic reports of the General Secretariat of the Challenge, which indicate the increasing role played by the Arab family in encouraging children to participate in the challenge and their participation in reading and discussing books .

High Committee

Al-Naimi pointed out that the numbers recorded so far in the challenge are likely to increase, as schools in some Arab countries are still conducting interim qualifiers at the district and educational levels. The Organizing Committee for the challenge of Arabic reading is still receiving the names of Arab students in the diaspora who are registered in the challenge of reading Arabic.

Al-Naimi stressed that the Supreme Committee's keenness to follow up all stages of the challenge through its representatives in the participating countries and to address any challenges or obstacles in order to ensure the smooth and effective progress of the challenge. "In the past years, Disadvantaged areas in thousands of books to encourage the largest number of students in remote and poor cities and villages to participate ».

Concerning the role of public and national libraries in the Arab countries in serving the challenge, Abdullah Al Nuaimi said that the BA, the largest of its kind in the Arab world, includes a special section of challenge books covering various scientific and literary concerns that challenge students can borrow. This year, a special section will be launched for the books of the Arab Reading Challenge at the National Library of Tunis, before the idea of ​​a library that will facilitate the participants' access to the books to participate in the Arab Reading Challenge project in various public libraries in the Arab world.

Passports Challenge

To date, more than 30 million passports have been printed and distributed to challenge students to write summaries. The coming weeks will see the printing and distribution of twice the number of challenge passports given the increasing number of students participating in the course, To meet the increasing number of book readings per student.

Al-Nuaimi pointed out that the huge increase in the number of challenge passports that are provided translates to the students' participation in the literacy competition, which is the biggest of its kind, surpassing the number of books to be read during the challenging months. The taste of students in the selection of books, as well as the development of the level of analytical understanding in the summary and discussion of books.

Cultivate culture

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, launched the Arab Reading Challenge at its first session in 2016 in order to instill a culture of reading among Arab youth, promote Arabic as a language of thought and build a conscious generation. Each student involved in the challenge must read and summarize 50 books in various cognitive and literary fields under the guidance of a group of supervisors and teachers involved in the challenge.

About 3.5 million students participated in the first round of the challenge, before the number doubled to more than seven million students, while 10.5 million students participated in the third round of the challenge, which for the first time opened the door to Arab communities Residents of diaspora countries to participate in the challenge.

Thousands of supervisors

Champions of the challenge meet at the level of countries for the final liquidation in Dubai, before the culmination of the champion of the challenge of Arab reading at the level of the Arab world at a ceremony hosted by Dubai in October. Each stage of the challenge is subject to follow-up and evaluation by thousands of supervisors and mentors, under the supervision of the Higher Committee to Challenge Arabic Reading.


The student Mohammed Gloud of Algeria won the title of champion of the challenge of reading Arabic in the first session, while the culmination of the student Afaf Sharif of Palestine title in the second session. Moroccan girl Maryam Amgoun took the title in the final round, after the jury and attendance impressed her with her intelligence, presence and exceptional expressive abilities.

Stage Qualifiers

The Challenge of Arab Reading, one of the initiatives of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Foundation, was launched at the beginning of the current academic year. The participating students took part in several stages of qualifying, starting with their school level and then at the district and district levels. Final contests at the country level in the final.


State around the world in competitions.


A million passports of challenge passports so far.