In a mysterious and surprising private visit, the Iraqi government and its sovereignty did not have a share, which came first of its kind and then a declaration of the withdrawal of military forces from Syrian territory more surprising than its predecessor. All this came within a few days to a new policy in the Middle East of US President Trump.

Initially, the appearance of its features began to clear, although it was not 40 days old, but began to take shape in the tour of Foreign Minister Pompeo to the Middle East, which included seven countries began his visit to Iraq, a visit no different from the visit of the president a lot in the news of many increased military support for military bases in Iraq and spread The strangeness of its forces in some areas of their presence within the Iraqi provinces and news of increasing numbers these successive events appeared to be a warning of a real cold war against Iran and its expansion in the Middle East and the role of the economic leadership of the Arab countries Confused The influence of this influence and its expansion was tempered by the concentration of Pompeo during his remarks on the continuation of America's strategy against Iran in his tour and began to be confirmed by the recent US guidance to the Iraqi government in the solution of (67) armed faction included under the leadership of the popular crowd, which according to the American vision that this decision will be the straw that The back of the camel will be crushed, especially after the successive sanctions that have weighed down Iran's political economy and people, which Iran considers the main artery of its project of influence in the region.

The resolution of the dissolution of the armed factions, which was formed and mixed mainly within the leadership of the organization and under the banner of the government and legitimacy is not completed without US approval or at least to overlook the intersection of this decision with the beginning of the formation of these factions evidence of the US desire and desire to pursue a new administration of the Middle East free of influence Iran's goal is to tighten the screws and force the Iranian policy to abandon the nuclear project, which is betting on America by funding its new project by the countries of the region in exchange for reassuring them to remove this presence as America's countries in the region this favorite food for the permanence American policy and global hegemony, which is naturally biased towards its desires, which could be the Iranian project an international pressure paper on US policy in the future, as it was done out of its good relationship with the Russians because it is clear from the desire or assertion to cut the supply line and the main transit gate of Iran to the region .

America appears in the features of its clear and serious moves, which are trying to strengthen its position on all aspects that have not been excluded from it possible Chinese intervention, which is relatively anti-it is trying to confuse him in advance by strengthening the position of NATO beside it

As well as the depletion of the Iranian economy by weakening or cutting off the economic spirit that these factions see as the right hand in activating them inside Iraq as well as their human and material support in the Iranian conflicts in the region and the seriousness of this decision coincided with the intensive and public military deployment in the streets of Iraqi cities since the withdrawal 2011, despite the fact that this preparation and the most important review in the content of his turn came amid the threats of some armed factions to resist as if it is a letter denouncing the military force and its existence and used if necessary and the delivery of a mail to Iran entitled The US's role in the region is no longer available to another partner, and the Iranian extension allowed has ended, even if it is necessary to turn Iraq into an arena of frank confrontation, as this is what the developments of the scene are predicting.

As well as the other side of the decision to declare the US withdrawal from the Syrian territory, which logic can not be convinced that America made this concession in Syria to Russia on a plate of gold after the military and economic trouble and to be to give way to Turkey to suppress its Kurdish enemy at no charge, Relatively speaking, that America would not have allowed the conflict to continue since mid-March 2011 inside Syria and to allow Iranian influence to be one of the methods of attrition of the Syrian popular forces and the planting of Kharata depleted by the countries of the Middle East and the evaluation of the Kurdish side as a pressure card against Turkey and In the sniff To rebuild confidence after their disillusioned position in the referendum that the Kurds of Iraq went on to be the outcome of the popular forces' enmity for any resolution promising stability and welcoming the countries of the region to any decision that is important to re-scale Iran and on the other hand is to satisfy Russian ambitions in Syria in return for giving up its support To Iran and to control part of the Turkish decision in any step taken towards Iran and in this picture the siege will be particularly deplorable from the point of focus Iraq.

Which started some heads and representatives of the countries of the region to come to discuss ways of partnerships and the economy and mutual support to claim the content can be summarized as a kind of attempts to return Iraq to the arms and the alliance of Arab countries against the Iranian policy, which will lead to the success of the new American project if successful, but success Can be focused on whether the Americans succeeded in resolving the armed factions that will take this step to swing the rest of the alliance of reform by political decision and remove the coalition of building the legitimate representative of these factions in the government and weaken the political decision It is possible to determine the strength of its decision in these factions, which are always biased towards the Iranian interest in reversing the reform as they are open to a wider window on the Arab countries and in view of the deterioration of its relationship with the Iranian side as well as the use and exploitation of the Iraqi public discontent towards the deterioration of the living reality, Basic in it.

The other angle that can be demonstrated by these endeavors and desires of the United States is clear through the visit of Iran's Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif to Iraq as if it was a visit came to take a comprehensive political pledge from the north to the south and popular by the elders of the tribes under the pretext of rejection of the US presence, which Tehran is trying to gain time in his move To convince all the politicians and foremost the representatives of the Kurds and Sunnis to support the decision of a fundamental consensus led by the construction coalition led by the conquest no doubt the direction of the US presence, but indicators enabled these moves to Tehran is not only a sense of danger for what the government of Trump in the tour of his envoy Pompeo and to win support of Iran The United States appears to be in the shape of its clear and serious moves, which are trying to strengthen its position on all aspects that have not been ruled out. It is possible that the Chinese intervention, Relatively anti-it is trying to confuse it in advance by strengthening the position of NATO alongside it.

This is if the American project does not grow beyond the age of forty days and surprises us with unexpected features such as the visit of a sponsor of Iraq and shows its features as Twitter Twitter, different from night to night to come to the Foreign Minister Pompeo to tell us that the product of his boss can not be a cousin of Iran.