Less yellow vests, more police and arrests, but much more damage. The balance sheet of the event in the capital is particularly heavy.


"What's going on? Asks a tourist, wide-eyed, Place de l'Etoile. "Revolution" tells him a man with a yellow vest pronouncing the English word despite his strong southern accent. The tone is set. "Act III" of the movement again gave rise to surreal scenes in Paris yesterday. In the streets leading to Place de l'Étoile, where the Arc de Triomphe stands, impressive resources have been deployed. The top of the Champs-Élysées is blocked by mobile barriers, mounted on truck.

The police are much more numerous than November 24. Not the yellow vests. Some could not, or wanted to come back. There are fewer women in the ranks, more young people, and many have equipped themselves with masks or glasses to support the tear.

Clashes under the Arc de Triomphe

Activists of far right and far left, and more "classic" breakers, equipped to loot, have also come, many of whom have donned a yellow vest ...

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