Some parts of the potatoes become light green after a period of storage. The green color is shown by the natural sultanin, which is found under the shell directly, especially those with buds, according to a consumer center in Germany.

Potatoes that have been improperly stored can contain toxic levels of solanine, so it is advisable to peel them before they are used with large pieces cut around any part with green dots or sprouts.

Potato intake without peeling increases the risk of exposure to solanine, which can cause poisoning. Side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and irritation of mucous membranes.

The situation is that the solanine is heat-resistant and still exists despite boiling, baking or frying. Therefore, the consumer center recommends buying and storing the potatoes in a place that does not allow light to enter such as paper bags, so the potatoes should be stored in a cold and dark place. Small and fast use.

Green potatoes should not be eaten at many points or have a lot of buds, and the water used to cook the potatoes can not be used, as the solanine is transferred to the water.