After his operation for prostate cancer, the iconic presenter of the news of the 13 hours of TF1 announces his return to the air Monday, November 12.

"J-3! I'm really looking forward to seeing you at 1 pm, " writes Jean-Pierre Pernaut on Twitter this Friday, November 9th. The star presenter of the television news broadcast on TF1 will return to the air Monday, November 12.

J-3! I can not wait to see you at # JT13h @ TF1LeJT

- Jean-Pierre Pernaut (@pernautjp) November 9, 2018

Jean-Pierre Pernaut, 68, announced at the end of September that he was moving away from the screens for "surgery for prostate cancer" . It's Jacques Legros, his usual joker, who replaced him at the helm of the JT so far.

In October, Jean-Pierre Pernaut had given reassuring news of his health, filming himself in a sunny garden, all smiles. "We are 70 000 every year to be operated on for prostate cancer in France, that's why I talked about it," added the convalescent.

Prostate cancer ranks first for men among the most common tumors, according to the site of Public Health France.

Deputy Director of Information at TF1, Jean-Pierre Pernaut celebrated in 2018 his thirty years at the head of the newspaper of 13 hours. He works for the first channel since 1975.