A dramatic state of digital mobility was created by the new "Last Word" challenge, which spread on the platform of "Entragam" and the rest of the social networking sites, and attracted the attention of the hikers in the digital spaces, following the pleasant invitation by the rapper and the Syrian actor and director Ismail Tamer to his friend actor Qusay Khouli to his troubles, to start the snowball rolling on the digital spaces, carrying with them the stories of their owners and their races on the «floor», where they unleashed their poetic talents, and the most sarcastic attitudes that loved their audience and fans and began to follow and interact with them in a clear response reactions most of them excited P and pushing them toward their stars continue this challenge, which holds this time some of the cultural aspects that test their stocks and their ability to poetic creativity in the fields of «poetic word», in contrast to previous challenges that provoked the wrath of many, and was the most famous challenge «Kiki».

Funny positions

The first came from Ishmael Tamar, who published a few days ago through his official account of "Instagram" verses of the spoken poetry, in which he said, "Continue to the stage of the indifferent, instead of what I spoke with human beings." Khouli, who accepted the challenge and initiated his official account on "Instagram", responded by saying: "Now and you have become a part of me from the shops." He presented the challenge to the actor in the name of Yakhour who replied: «Mohal and God Hhalal / you are the current situation and / do not defy Choufa if / what Vittlalk with me, my uncle». In turn, he transferred the challenge to the actor Fadi Sbeih, who was soon excited to complete the march of the "comrades of the profession", chose to share the experience with the Syrian Aabed Fahad, saying: "O uncle of the time on me and changed the situation / , This time bringing the competition to the representative Qais Sheikh Najib, who did not refuse to engage in the march of his colleagues, so I improvise the ease of poetry. On the other hand, in a gesture that is not without humor, the Syrian actress Jumana Murad decided to enter the line of contention, holding the string of poetic challenge that ended with the word "Ya Khali" to say these verses "Oh, Khali, the situation is pickled, you are free. / And draw a bead free / and displaced by the horse and imagination / And join me horses imagination / Yakhour and Khali shops ».

Competition criteria

In the meantime, Qusay Khouli returns to intervene and resolve the laws of these "Okazian poetry", through the development of a set of new rules, calling his fellow artists to commit to 24 hours maximum response and improvisation, and no more than 15 seconds as allowed by the service «stories» On the "instagram", stressing the standards and controls «Reply» that can not exceed three hours, what sparked the flames of the latest «last word», which prompted the rudder this time towards Abed Fahd, who said: «long on me Has long / Mtrah Wolf in the heart / If the situation changed / remains Wafa and honesty Duzanna Lengni Halmwal », in The time when Abed was enthusiastic again continued to say: "Mawal Qais with her love I sang / and by the signal I was working for my house / Shou Entjnit to challenge me, my uncle, and I went and lost only the torment", directed the challenge to the actor Basil Khayat.

As the rules of the challenge oblige the participant each time to reply to his hair with the last word ending the previous verses, Bassil Khayat published a video clip from the gymnasium, where he said: «torment of its name but what is the punishment / The Syrian drama stars will succeed in extending this challenge to all the stars of the Arab world, unite their ranks and their speech, and challenge the differences that erupt every day between them. Would you be the owner of the "last word"?

Rules of Qusay Kholi

The artist Qusay Khouli set a set of rules and laws to intervene and participate in the game or challenge «Okaz poetry poems», calling on his fellow artists to commit to 24 hours maximum response and improvisation, and no more than 15 seconds, as allowed by the service «stories» on the intrest, Stressing the criteria and controls «Reply», which can not exceed three hours, what sparked the flames of the «last word».