The investigators are optimistic: after the theft of several historic crown jewels from a cathedral in Sweden, parts of the loot have probably reappeared. The police said, everything indicates that they have found the stolen goods. They are working to be able to confirm this 100 percent.

Prosecutor Reeva Devgun told SVT that they found certain items. However, it is still unclear whether they are actually the crown jewels. Devgun responded to a report in the newspaper "Aftonbladet". The sheet had reported in the morning with reference to unspecified sources, the crown jewels or parts of them had been discovered in a garbage can in the Stockholm area.

The lawsuit against a young Swede, who has to answer for the theft in the Eskilstuna district court, should be interrupted on Tuesday, according to Devgun. The defense agreed.

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Sweden: The theft of Strängnäs

The 22-year-old defendant was arrested by the police in September 2018. He is accused of stealing three items from Strängnäs Cathedral, west of Stockholm, together with another man at the end of July: the crown and the orb of King Charles IX, who died in 1611. from Sweden as well as the crown of his wife died in 1625, Queen Christine von Holstein-Gottorf. The insignia had been buried at their funerals.

The three crown jewels have an estimated value of 65 million Swedish kroner (6.3 million euros). The emblems are considered part of the national heritage. According to the dean, the safety regulations were followed during their storage. The crowns and the orb had been kept "in accordance with permits and directives of authorities and insurance companies".

Witnesses had reported seeing two people fleeing on women's bicycles. The supposedly stolen wheels were found after the fact on the shores of Lake Mälaren. The thieves continued to flee to police probably on a jet ski or in a small motorboat.