Sexual harassment of women on the street is a common problem in several European countries and the US. This is the conclusion of a representative survey of women from the Ifop Institute on behalf of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation in Paris.

According to this, every second woman in the US has already received sexual remarks or insults on the street, in the UK 43 percent, in Spain 40. In France, 39 percent of the women surveyed said 36 in Germany and 25 in Italy.

Accordingly, every second woman in Spain was grossly harassed, with the United States at 46 percent and the third United Kingdom at 43 percent. In Germany, 28 percent of women said that.

More than one in three women (36 percent) was already tracked down the street in Germany, 43 percent in France, 40 in Spain and 36 in the United States. One in ten women from Germany is a victim of sexual abuse in their lives Violence on the street, one in five in the US. In the UK, 18 percent of women said that.

more on the subject

Humiliated, abused, murdered womenMy partner, my tormentor

Domestic Violence "If I do not leave immediately, I will not survive here"

Violence in relationshipsDeserved, beaten, threatened with a knife

Victim of relational violence "He wanted to kill our son"

Domestic violence "Justice forces mothers to lie to their children"

Domestic violence "Men often beat out of helplessness"

Partner with Control In the end she was his prisoner

For Saturday in Paris and other cities in France, various associations and personalities have called for a demonstration against sexual violence under the motto "Nous Toutes" (We all).