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Palestinian security forces arrested Suha Jabara from Ramallah on charges of "helping the families of the poor and martyrs in the Gaza Strip". Five patrols of the Preventive Security Service arrested Mrs. Jabara from her house in a brutal manner. Her three children. The news and the accusation attributed to Mrs. Jabara are a moral scandal for the Palestinian security apparatuses and the political system in Ramallah, so what about the fact that the Palestinian people are not aware of this? Has this value collapse occurred?

The Palestinian Authority entered into Gaza and Jericho within the framework of Oslo in exchange for difficult and complex conditions, especially in the security aspect of them, the most prominent of which is the commitment of the Authority to prevent any action directed against the "Israel" and thus the Palestinian political status of the security establishment in an embarrassing situation before the Palestinian masses, This is considered an act of treachery and betrayal, which the PLO has confronted. "The agreement is a tactical step," and it is only a maneuver to impose a fait accompli on the fabrication of a state.

In practice, the Palestinian Authority committed itself to the agreement and prevented, to the extent possible, operations and detaining those planning to carry out operations against the enemy. This stage constituted the main building block for the collapse of the Palestinian national security system. After the assassination of Arafat and the martyrdom of Sheikh Yassin took the uprising of Al-Aqsa until it was uprooted by the Abbas political program based on the Oslo agreement and renounce any action or any thought calling for armed action as "futile." During this period Abbas was keen to build a solid security authority with the largest share of the government budget of one billion dollars a month, "funded by Congress," to strengthen the security coordination between the occupation and the security of the West (where this stage was more explicit in words and deeds in showing the mentality of dependency and security of many witnesses) .

The Palestinian Authority has become a heavy burden on the Palestinian people, from security coordination and fighting resistance, and criminalizing the assistance of the families of prisoners and martyrs, to prosecute ordinary people in their livelihood

In the first stage, the security establishment was embarrassed in the face of the opposition and some independent forces. Today, however, with this more overt transition, "the Palestinian security forces have become in the face of their people in a dramatic development of the Oslo agreement." The stage of the behavior of the security and popular counter-reactions that develop into a temporary field clash on the one hand and the state of shipment and hatred between the opposition and followers in universities and public utilities.

"Suha Jabara" was a real disgrace to the lies of the Palestinian Authority. The latter did not understand what happened. The suppression of the rallies that are consistent in Suha's case "lifting the sanctions on Gaza" and entering the contest of provocations is evidence of the immaturity of officials What happens. In the case of Sister Suha Jabara, the worst of security coordination is the denial of three children from their mother and her prosecution for helping the families of prisoners and martyrs. This time it appears to be personal, not organizational, and is at risk of abuse by the US government.

There is no doubt that the Palestinian Authority has become a heavy burden on the Palestinian people, from security coordination and fighting the resistance, and criminalizing the assistance of the families of prisoners and martyrs to the pursuit of ordinary people in their livelihood (social security law), to spread corruption and moral decay in society And moral crimes). The time has come for the Palestinian people to get rid of this burden and to be free of the restrictions imposed on them. It is not true that the livelihood and salaries of Mahmoud Abbas are the people of the West Bank. I do not think that the prisons of Ramallah, Nablus and Jericho are all for us. We conclude by saying the poet Tamim Barghouthi Metaphor and I do not refer to the revolution across the country only I want to say and remind this talk scientific fact, our people hyena weaker than prey and I fear them much. "