For almost a week there has been a storm and thunderstorms in Italy. On Friday afternoon, a German tourist on the holiday island of Sardinia was struck by lightning. The accident took place on the Sardinia-owned island of San Pietro, said a spokesman for civil defense.

The Germans had been traveling with their husband and son, the news agencies Ansa and ADNkronos reported. The three had gone on a trekking tour, according to Ansa, when the weather was still good. When the storm hit, they were on their way back to the car. Then the woman was struck by the lightning and thrown several meters through the air.

More than 15 people have been killed since last Sunday due to the storm in Italy. On Saturday, not only severe weather warnings for Sardinia, but also for Sicily. There, especially the west coast should be affected by thunderstorms and a lot of rain.

Even in northern regions, there was no all-clear. In Veneto, hundreds of trees were uprooted in a heavy storm on Thursday. "It's like after an earthquake," said the governor of the region, Luca Zaia. Parts of the Dolomites resembled a landscape "as on the moon". 160,000 people are also without electricity.

The Italian civil defense spoke of one of the most complex weather conditions of the past 60 years.