News from the island

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Perhaps no one has expressed the story of the rise and fall of Dr. Tariq Ramadan, as my friend, the Canadian-Canadian writer Mohamed Ben Joubaa, put it in his Thoughts on Facebook: "Tariq Ramadan was a monument." Sadiqi did not complete the quote from the beginning of the poem by the Egyptian writer Ibrahim Naji (ruins) the title was informed expression, there is no words that reflect the rise of Tariq and his fall was told by Ibrahim Naji: "It was an interpretation of the imagination of Fahwa." The purpose of this article is to present the story of this ups and downs, as clearly as possible, without any justification or ambiguity.

It must be recognized that I did not hesitate to publish an article for a long time, as I was reluctant to publish this article, whose first draft was waiting on my computer for many months before sending it to light. This was not because I was not convinced of the content of the article, nor of my fear of publishing it. Rather, because Tariq Ramadan had a precedent in supporting Islam, I respect him. If it were not for the legitimate and moral responsibility of those familiar with Tariq Ramadan and his case closely, and the duty to advise the imams of the Muslims and their community, and what I noticed from many of the Muslims in this case without sufficient knowledge of its dimensions and backgrounds,

One of the reasons for the delay in publishing the article is also that I did not find the morale to publish a moral condemnation of a prisoner, especially since his imprisonment had no need or legal justification convincingly before the completion of the proceedings in his case. Dr. Tariq Ramadan has recently gained temporary freedom, is able to pursue his own case in the courts, and to discuss those who criticize or condemn him. My colleague also has the right to get out of prison.

I have followed the issue of Tariq Ramadan accurately in the French media since the outbreak of a year ago, and published an article within these codes in the first days of the case, made the title: "cultural betrayal and the plight of Dr. Tariq Ramadan" on October 31, 2017, and strongly defended Dr. Tarek, ignoring the dispute between me And that led me to leave work with him before his imprisonment months, and then engaged in defense on social networking sites for several months, and in the call to raise funds to cover the fees of his lawyer. Therefore, my readers, who have read my defense of Tariq Ramadan a year ago, have the right to read my opinion in his case today, after the facts of her face have surprised me and saddened me, and surprised and saddened the millions of Muslims.

Many sympathies with Tariq Ramadan: He is the descendant of a long-standing Islamic family in the Islamic work and carrying the message of Islam, and he was the voice of Islam and his defender in front of adversaries opponents at times when the back and the loser

The issue of Tariq Ramadan was shaken by the first explosion of Islamic cultural circles, especially in the West, and the sympathy of millions of Muslims across the world with Tariq. He is the son of Sheikh Said Ramadan, one of the pioneers of Islamic work in Europe, and the founder of the Islamic Center in Geneva. He is the grandson of Imam Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the major Islamic reform movement Contemporary, and deeply rooted, and the most extensive extension in the Islamic world. Second, the kind of enemies that Tariq has been struggling with for decades. The star of Dr. Tarek Kamnafh of Islam in the West, and fought fierce intellectual and media battles with the most famous intellectuals and media and politicians French political and religious biases against Islam and Muslims.

Some 15 years ago, on October 3, 2003, Tariq published an article on the French website "The Nation", which was rejected by major French newspapers, including Le Monde and Le Figaro. He attacked those who called them " intellectuals of communautaires " Of the French Zionists, who were famous for their mobility and struggle in public affairs, and took on the double positions, in support of issues of emancipation in the world while avoiding any criticism of Israel, but to stand up to anyone who criticizes. Among these are the French Zionist intellectuals Pierre Indy Tagayev, Alexander Adler, Bernard Kouchner, Bernard Henri-Levy, and others.

In the article, Tariq Ramadan accused the intellectuals of the universal human values ​​of the rights of the Palestinian people and of Israel's atrocities against him. Tariq also criticized their support for the American invasion of Iraq, who consider themselves liberators of imperialism. - and their suspicious bias on the Muslim communities in Europe, especially in France. Since the publication of this article began the coordinated campaign on Tariq Ramadan, and build consensus in the political elite and the French media on the devil and throw him in every way.

This campaign was joined by the forces of the French Christian right, which is hostile to the growing Islamic presence in France and throughout Europe, and the French secular forces that are biased against all religions, especially the religion of Islam. French journalists were known for their attack on Tariq, so that it became a life message for them. One of the fiercest writers was Caroline Furst, the author of Brother Tariq. All of these French Muslim individuals dream of a shaky self without confidence in themselves, ready to sell their consciences and even get out of their skins, in naive hope that the French elite will accept them.

It is no wonder that these backgrounds prompted millions of Muslims to sympathize with Tariq Ramadan: he is the descendant of a long-standing Islamic family in the Islamic work and carrying the message of Islam, and he was the voice of Islam and his defender in front of adversaries opponents at times when the dahir and the Nasir. But the trajectory of the case of Tariq Ramadan during the past year reveals sad surprises for his fans, shocking to his apostles, a surprise to the millions of Muslims who put trust in him, and took him as role model and inspiring for many years. Tariq's incriminating evidence of his convictions has been overwhelmingly condemned.

The least evidence of this is that Tariq Ramadan was living a parallel life far from the requirements of Islamic virtue. What I mean here is the solid data from Tariq Ramadan's confessions, or documented by irrefutable material evidence, and I do not mean beyond that which is common in the French media. These solid data revealed during the past year include the following:

First: The Belgian judiciary revealed for months a legal deal in 2015, under which Dr. Tariq Ramadan paid twenty-seven thousand euros to a well-known woman, in exchange for deleting what she published on the Internet about an illegal relationship between them. An issue that was documented in the Belgian courts before any accusation against Tariq Ramadan appeared in the French, Syrian and American courts, but the public did not know about it before the recent charges.

It is the right of those who were eager to defend Tarek Ramadan in the past - and I am one of them - to refuse to continue in the state of exploitation and neglect that I have inflicted on them. The argument has been made, and the argument has been made, and it is no longer a legitimate justification for deception

European News Agency

Second, during the past months, the lawyer of Tariq (Emmanuel Marciney) has admitted to more than one French media that he has recognized - and the confession of evidence - an "out of wedlock relationship" with a number of women who have filed complaints against him. Tariq Ramadan did not deny any of the confessions made by his lawyer on his behalf. He even praised the lawyer and his administration for his legal file in his first statement after he was released from prison a few days ago. Tariq did not challenge the published excerpts from the records of his confessions in French newspapers.

Thirdly , one of the women whom Tariq Ramadan confessed to had relations with her - his lawyer showed hundreds of pictures and videotapes to the court to prove that his relationship had a relationship of compromise - not a rape - was a famous prostitute who had been involved in prostitution for years (and God knows best now) The former World Bank director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, No follower of the French media is expected to be a barber who did not know about this woman and her dark background. The first two complainants from Tara, who recently confessed to their illegal relationship, are also known for their virulent war against Islam in France. Tariq's relationship with these three women specifically indicates that his problem is not a lure in circumstances of negligence, but rather a steady course of intent and determination.

It should be emphasized here that none of these facts are evidence of legal support for the charges of rape directed at Tariq Ramadan in the courts, but they prove to Tariq - from the perspective of Islamic ethics and the provisions of Islamic law - illegal relations, and addiction to the infidels, and Isttara religion, and deception to Muslims . And some of those who are infected with the perspective of Islamic law are not criminalized by law in the three countries where charges of rape against Tariq (France, Switzerland and America) were raised.

Tariq's illegitimate relations with a large number of women, and the continued relationship between them for several years, show that his problem is not a pattern of circumstantial luring and transient seduction, in which any believer who is touched by a group of Satan may be caught and then remembered and repent, but a state of chronic addiction. As my friend Muhammad Bin Gama'a said accurately: "I would have accepted if the subject was about a girl or an illegitimate relationship once or twice, human weakness may find some understanding and regret." The current situation seems to be a prolonged addiction to a period of perhaps more than 20 years. This is only explained by the fact that Tariq has schizophrenia and double speech, and this has completely destroyed him. "

Based on these solid data revealed by the case of Tariq Ramadan during a year of legal and media tug, we find the following conclusions:

First, it is not possible to blame millions of Muslims for deceiving them with Ramadan, or with his Islamic and moral discourse. In the books of the biography of Abdullah bin Omar may Allah be pleased with him that he was saying, "Whoever deceived us by God was deceived." It was not easy to deceive Abdullah ibn Umar, but he was committed to what God Almighty decreed against people by appearances, and God took the beds. And we do not expect those who were deceived by the appearance of Tariq Ramadan to be more discerning than Abdullah bin Omar.

Second: Tariq Ramadan alone bears his immoral behavior and can not be tolerated by his honorable family, by any political or academic person he has dealt with with good faith, or by any individuals or groups who defended him on the basis of his public life. Because the original innocence, which must be adhered to until the evidence contrary to the apparent situation. Everyone has treated them with good faith, until the irrefutable evidence has proved the opposite. And good thought is an Islamic virtue. And the error in good faith - to conceal evidence - better than wrong in the mistrust without evidence.

Thirdly, those who were eager to defend Tariq Ramadan in the past - I am one of them - should refuse to continue in the state of exploitation and neglect that they have inflicted on them. The argument, and the biting of the argument, is no longer a legitimate excuse for deception. It is our duty to those who defended Tariq on the basis of our defense, and the many Islamic figures and organizations that stood with him, to show them the new facts in his case without exaggeration and scaling, so as not to continue the course of exploitation and neglect that we put and put them Tariq Ramadan.

One of the great lessons of all this is that we do not embody Islam in a person, no matter how good it appears in its openness. Islam is above all, and is above and beyond


Fourth: All this does not exempt Muslims from confronting those who exploited the issue of Tariq to distort the religion of Islam in the hearts, prejudice to Muslim minorities in the West, and to challenge the advocates of Islam and its dynasties who order the people of Islam and the Islamic movements seeking to reform their societies and transfer them to a better and nobler. Continuing to confront these hateful detractors is a duty of every Muslim. Those who exploited Tariq's case in this way are known for their hostility towards Islam. They are a mixture of French secularism, French Zionists, fanatical French right, and Arab counter-revolution.

Fifth: One of the great lessons learned from all this is that we do not embody Islam in a person, no matter how good it appears in its openness. Islam is above all, and it is above and beyond, and God is rich from the worlds. The Caliph al-Rashid Ibn Ali Abi Talib (may Allaah be pleased with him) believed: "I know the men in truth, and do not know the truth about the men." And the Prophets peace be upon them are those whom God has set as role models for people and like, and they are those who guarded them by the infallibility of the leadership of people in order to seduce. But others are understood to be prone to error and sin and temptation, and the conciliator from God Almighty and pinned to the right.

In short, Tariq Ramadan was an expression of the imagination of his sons in our hearts, and millions of Muslims with human instinct and faith passion recognized him with respect and respect. But this edifice has collapsed before our hearing and sight, by Tariq Ramadan himself, not by others. It is regrettable that the Tartar still represents the role of the victim, and provokes in the Muslims the passion of solidarity and solidarity, and depicts the whole thing as a conspiracy and a war on the religion of Islam, and the first was the truth with God, and with himself, and with the people, and stop the exploitation of Muslims and exploitation in a losing battle, The fire of lusts ignited in himself, and Islam has no camel or camel.

There is no doubt in the existence of wars against Islam and conspiracies against him in more than one place on earth today. But the greatest war on Islam, and the most dangerous conspiracy against him, is to carry the banner of spreading the virtue of being immersed in vice. We ask Allaah to grant us forgiveness and wellness, forgiveness and forgiveness, and sincerity in saying and acting. And to avoid hypocrisy and hypocrisy, and to seek to satisfy the creation of the creator of the Creator .. is our account and yes agent.