Spider veins are health problems that have a negative effect on the appearance of the legs, and are often considered harmless, but in some cases may indicate a problem in the veins.

Spider veins are varicose veins. They are small red-blue veins that are visible under the skin and are caused by blood clotting and therefore do not leak blood without hindrance.

These veins are not usually a serious problem and do not require treatment.

Women are more susceptible to spider veins because their connective tissue is weaker than men. Factors that increase the chances of infection include:

  • Obesity.

  • Lack of movement.

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy.

The chances of spider veins appearing in the elderly are increased, not only in the thigh and leg, but may appear anywhere in the body, such as the abdomen. In rare cases it may also appear in the face.

Spider veins do not cause pain, and do not disappear on their own. Women can hide veins using makeup camouflage.

Laser spider veins can be removed or pushed to the point of injection through a specific substance under local anesthesia.

Compression socks need to be worn for a specific period after the removal of the spider veins, noting that there is no 100% guarantee that they will always disappear after surgery.

For prevention of spider veins, people who are at high risk for exercise are advised to swim, walk, and raise their legs repeatedly.