Snape has launched a gaming platform within its application, including original and third party games such as Zenja and Tyne Royale, to maintain its existing user base and attract new users.

The company announced yesterday a number of new features for existing products and added programs from Puneem / Murray Productions and Paz Ved as well as enhanced reality filters including models of landmarks. It also said it would allow advertisers to buy advertising space that could be displayed outside the Snape Chat platform.

The announcement came during its first summit in Los Angeles. The new features and content are aimed at increasing the period in which the basic user segment is used between 13 and 34 years of application while the overall number of users has stopped growing.

Snape faces fierce competition for users and advertisers from larger and better-funded companies. For example, the Facebook and Instagram platforms copied features known as Snape Chat, such as the feature of publishing videos and images that disappear after 24 hours.