The forms of infringement of public money are many and well known, all of which are undoubtedly a form of corruption, especially those involving the exploitation of the position in order to obtain money, and illegal profiteering, generally not our subject today, for the multitude and variety of forms and types, and the law categorizes them clearly, It is known to all.

But there is another type of waste of public money, often without the bad faith of the official, and is not intended to gain and gain money illegally, but his actions in the end fall under the item of negligence, and cause waste of public money, may not feel this official , But he often believes that he contributes hard and successful in the development process, but in fact does the opposite, and his actions and decisions are one of the reasons why the state lost financial resources, which could have been used in other things more effectively and useful.

The problem here is that the law does not punish that, and it may never intervene, no matter how much money is wasted, because there is simply no bad faith, and the absence of bad faith means the absence of the crime, despite the existence of the damage. Appropriate actions against him!

This is a very large number, because the fire starts with the small sparks, especially with the multiplicity of bodies, circles and institutions and the diversity of their activities.

But not limited to the implementation of ideas or projects that are not carefully studied, and the waste on unnecessary and non-essential work, and the purchase of equipment or devices that are not necessities of work, or can be replaced by other devices less expensive, or even the use of expensive devices, And the use of them in part is not complete, all these and other things are a waste of public money, which can save money if they were better studied by officials, or at the very least if the administrator of the conscience, and deal with the purchase procedure as it deals with the goods he buys For himself or his home, there is no doubt that it will be more accurate and more h Tread and check.

Such precise details are the responsibility of all officials, and there is no doubt that the financial control body bears a large part of this difficult task, especially in terms of how to monitor these cases, and study the negative impact in public money, and if the device was able to young citizens to limit these cases, and put an end For such behavior, you will realize that it will achieve a great achievement, and will save the public budget a lot of millions lost here and there!

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