False color, wrong number: Because she was dissatisfied with the performance of her hairdresser, a woman in Lübeck has dialed the police emergency call.

Excited, the woman told the command center that the hairdresser had already dyed her hair three times, said a police spokesman. Because she did not know any further, she turned to the police, the officials wrote on Facebook.

But instead of scolding for the barber there was a rebuke for the caller. The on-duty officer pointed out to the woman that the emergency call was only for real emergencies. For damages to her hairdresser, he referred her to the possibility of a civil suit.

"We always like to help, but for a detailed hairstyle consultation, the police is not the right person to contact, especially not the emergency call," it says in the Facebook post. Previously, the "Ostsee-Zeitung" reported on the incident.