The ten commandments of government officials, not set by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, arbitrarily at the end of his new book «My Story», which was not just the end of the book, and is not separated from the rest of the chapters in which he spoke about his childhood and his life and experience pilot In terms of governance and management, but is a realistic summary of the experience of fifty years, the commandments came to reflect the real practices touched by His Highness and watched and struggled and spent some of them over the past years, and he puts them today to continue to confirm and eliminate the disadvantages to reach the first place that Mohammed bin Rashid always aspires.

His Highness's precepts are in fact real practices of some officials, sometimes they do in order to maintain the position, and sometimes unintentionally, we are fascinated by the power of the post and exploited it. His name did not come out of a vacuum. He did not move it from other worlds, but saw it and touched it during the fifty years he spent in The service of the homeland, dealing with different samples of officials and human beings, and with different human nature, different recipes, different possibilities, and different legends, so the summary is a combination of transactions and observations of the actions of all these samples and mentalities!

His Highness did not start his precepts to "serve people," but he is certain that there are officials who do not master the art of serving people, or that they have set different priorities, not including serving people honestly, with equality and without favoritism.

When he asks government officials in general not to "worship the chairs," he realizes that there are those who cling to them in a great and frightening way and that they are doing the impossible to keep them on these chairs without giving them their right. Is closely linked to the first commandment, since the most basic rights of the chair of those who wanted to stay in it is to serve the people, and the more that the official in the service of people is the first commandment, he will remain conservative on his throne without sticking to it or worshiping it!

Certainly, there are distinguished, loyal, and productive officials. These are also commandments in the Ten Commandments. To maintain excellence and success, one must observe oneself, team up, innovate, act optimistically, communicate better with people, media and society. Which makes distinctive leaders, and in the end of all this must be for each distinct and successful and sincere to start to build life, and contribute to the improvement and facilitation of people's lives, so every official to evaluate himself, analyze his personality, and sets these commandments combined in his eyes, High proficiency to reach the first commandment It is the people sincerely service and excellence!

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