A member of the opposition in Serbia protested against the prices of gasoline. To mark the occasion, he put on a yellow safety vest during a session in parliament.

The French yellow vests are emulated in Serbia: an opposition MP put on a Tuesday in parliament to protest against the price of gasoline in his country.

"We want normal prices for gasoline, or you will have yellow vests on the streets of Belgrade and Serbia," warned Bosko Obradovic, head of the nationalist right wing Dveri.

Протест у Народној скупштини због цене горива у Србији! Макрон мора да разговара и изађе у сусрет онима који су запалили пола Париза, а наша власт кажњава људе који су мирно протестовали због пљачке на цени горива. Зато субота, 8. децембар у 18 часова - сви на протест у Београду! pic.twitter.com/kaf4iKKZPU

- Бошко Обрадовић (@BoskoObradovic) December 4, 2018

Macron negotiated, why not Vucic?

Bosko Obradovic noted that French President Emmanuel "Macron, great friend" of his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar "Vucic, was negotiating with the yellow vests, which ignited half of Paris, while the (Serbian) power has not wanted to talk to its citizens who had peacefully expressed dissatisfaction with the prices of gasoline .

Last June, rising fuel prices in Serbia provoked a brief protest in several Serbian cities, resulting in road blockages.