This Tuesday, November 6, 2018, at midday, Thibaut Vauchel-Camus, the skipper of Solidaires in the peloton / Arsep, took the lead of the Multi50 on the Route du Rhum. After a cautious start to the race, he expects a strong descent to the Azores.

"We've been conservative from the beginning and that's pretty good. We are not on the attack and Thibaut is underwater, " says Fabien Delahaye, Thibaut Vauchel-Camus's Router with Fred Duthil. Despite this, the skipper of Solidaires en peloton / Arsep, managed to take the lead of the Multi50, this Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at midday, on the Route du Rhum.


" The first 24 hours were difficult for Thibaut because he was seasick. But it's a lot better on board," says Fabien Delahaye. We had a first delicate front pass but that was more manageable than expected. Even if the sea was strong and mostly messy. He is currently on port tack and is looking for the rocker. "

The descent to the Azores will be muscular

However, the skipper's entourage remains cautious. "Thibaut will live again a difficult episode, through the wind, in a sea cross, this afternoon. Given the circumstances, we are happy with our positioning. But the descent to the Azores will be muscular. We will then start a new race where we can push the boat to 100%. Currently we are at 60% of its potential. "