The village opens this Wednesday, October 24, 2018. It will be inaugurated in the evening. A nice moment in perspective at 19:15 with the lighting of the basins.

14h. Opening of the village. From 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm Media library La Grande Passerelle, introductory workshops on paper collages, with the association AVF Accueil. Free on registration (limited places). Everyone from 8 years old. 15h. Baptism Fleury Michon Bio Morgane Ursault-Poupon. Bassin Vauban.17h. Compulsory presence of monohulls in Saint-Malo.18h. Inauguration of the village.18h30. Fest-noz, entrance Saint Vincent. Brasserie du Rhum.From 7pm to 10pm, until Saturday, October 26, sound and light on the winners of the Rum projected on the ramparts with Spectaculars, West-France and the Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo. Then, from 6pm to 10pm, from Sunday 27th to Sunday 4th November. Gratuit.19h15. Lighting ponds and boats, Vauban basin. Sound and light Jacques Cartier, court of the castle. Closing of the village. 2h. Closed Brasserie du Rhum. Until November 3, groups of sailors, choirs, dance companies and other artists will animate the intramural and the outskirts of the village.