Be careful to watch where you park your car during the Route du Rhum. Since Wednesday, motorists have found theirs, at the pound of Saint-Malo.

"If you're not disabled, it's better not to park here. It is a reserved car park, " says Laurent Gohier, of the Grocery Store of Sillon, Place de la Fontaine. "Oh, surprise this couple of the Allier. We did not see the sign. "

135 € fine and 123 € impound

This is not the first time that the trader comes out of his business to warn motorists. Since Tuesday evening, the municipal police pass regularly to draw a report to 135 € and calls Galivel company to bring the vehicle in pounds (123 €).

"Fortunately the agents did not pass Thursday, because a dozen cars would have been removed. This Friday morning, I warned three, but one was removed. There are still plenty of places, " says Laurent Gohier.

In the event of impoundment, the motorist will have to pay 135 € of fine plus 123 € of impound. | Nadine Paris

Fifteen cars this morning

"Being a trader, I can not park here. I come by bike, but the colleagues opposite, who live outside Saint-Malo, must come earlier to find a place. "

This Friday morning, the municipal police intervened again on the three parking spaces reserved for the disabled: place Duguesclin, in front of the sub-prefecture; Place de la Fontaine, on the Sillon and Place de la Distillerie, next to the Rocabey post office.

About fifteen cars were taken to the pound. Not to mention all those badly parked elsewhere. The numbers were not reported, but the pickup trucks were clearly visible in town.