Route of the Rum (D + 7). Last night, the skipper of Ultimate Macif had a margin of 100 miles ahead of Francis Joyon and Idec Sports. This morning at the head of the Englishman, this rock placed north of Basse-Terre, the gap should be consistent. In any case, normally, it is more than enough. Unless...

Gabart well away

Yesterday, at 8 pm, François Gabart was 600 miles from the finish. On an Ultimate led at good speed, without more, say 27 knots average is a distance covered in less than 24 hours. And by that time, he was still 100 miles ahead of his only pursuer, Francis Joyon (Idec Sport). In a system of well-established trade winds, taking into account the performances are quite close to the two Ultimate, even a little higher than the Macif.2, nothing should prevent the recordman of the world tour to sail alone, d enter a new line to his already well-honed list. "François is lucky to be ahead of 100 miles, that's good news," said Thomas Normand, General Manager of Mer Concept, François Gabart's racing team. But Francis Joyon does not relax, and he is fast from the beginning, so we remain vigilant. "

Joyon threatens her

On his Idec Sport, the former Groupama of Franck Cammas, winner in 2010, and former Popular Bank of Loïck Peyron, winner in 2014, Francis Joyon shows that he remains one of the best sailors in the world alone on multihulls. "I am still under high mainsail and gennaker, always thoroughly, confided yesterday, the skipper of 62 years. I'm happy with the boat and when I see the crewed performance, I am rather above because Idec Sport is much lighter. It's appreciated. "

A state of mind that forces the respect even of its adversaries. "Francois knew that Francis would be formidable," says Normand. All you need to do is to see his CV, his world tours, his records ... And I think that this allows François to not let his guard down and remain motivated to the end . " On the day yesterday, the recordman crewed around the world had even taken twenty miles to the world tour alone.

More traps

What could he, or, what could happen again last night, who could reshuffle the cards? The tropical storms that have raged in Guadeloupe in recent days can generate grains in which the wind is absent or too violent. "It can make race conditions very different in a few miles," says Macif.

The Rock of the Head to the English, which salutes for 40 years the skippers north of Basse-Terre, also signals the beginning of the bypass of Guadeloupe. However, in its western part, the Guadeloupe coast is under the shelter of its volcano, the Soufrière, which rises to 1467 m, and diverts the prevailing winds from north-east to sea. A trap with a big "P" in which, at each edition, many skippers remain stuck.

"We can lose several hours completely stopped, recalls Francis Joyon very well . I knew it well and badly. In 2014 with Yann Eliès, I was able to pass, but in the other edition, I was stuck completely. " The passage of the buoy Basse-Terre, wet a few hundred meters from the coast in front of the prefecture of Guadeloupe, will surely sound the time of deliverance for the future winner. It represents a big bottle of rum. Barring a coup de Trafalgar, François Gabart is expected around 8 pm, and two hours later on the line, to drink with his. Francis Joyon, a handful of hours later.